How long can you stand on one leg?

My question would be- will that practice improve your overall health- or improve your grip strength and balance. I wonder if the efforts are misguided in isolation.
So the main benefit in the elderly is to reduce fear of falling, which impacts their life enormously. I was gonna write a load here about the interlinked benefits but the UK Government and US National Institutes of Health have summarised it nicely and much better than I could 😀
Oh, and about 2 minutes of eyes closed whilst brushing my teeth shared across both legs
Another one for us oldies - stretching……touching your toes. :rolleyes:
I can get close after a few warm ups
But my partner has just found a little trick……

Go down to touch your toes and see how far you can get
If you cant make it put your hands into fists and put them between your knees pressing your knees against them for about 10 secs

Then, hey presto - you should be able to go down and touch your toes