Houchen and Stilts want to take over the council

Does he know that Labour are the new Tories yet?
Don't think he cares as long as he gets his services for free it seems.

Local councils (mostly) are in this position not because they are being badly mismanaged but because they are underfunded. Redcar are around £50 mil down in real terms on their budget, councils can only cut so much.

If you want services like green waste they need to be paid for somehow but people like Nobby think the Torys will come in with their magic rhetoric and suddenly a bare bones budget can fund everything!
The financial mess the council finds itself in is surely a result of mismanagement for years not just 2022/23 👍
Yes and Clarke is a major part of that being an MP here for how long now?
The underfunding is a Tory policy and the Tories have had a majority for a number of the years that have been mismanaged.

SO again I will ask you.
Why do you think advocating for the people who have a large responsibility for the mess Middlesbrough council is in, is a good idea?

You keep avoiding this question why so evasive it should be easy.
This might not be such a bad thing guys, someone needs to get a hold of the finances, even with the proposed cuts there is still a 6M shortage. I really don't want to pay 40BAR for disposing of my grass cuttings 😕
Utter rubbish. How could those 2 be a better thing?
I do know that me and you are probably the only 2 on here that pay council tax to Middlesbrough Council so the rest of em can butt out if you ask me 👍
Not a fan of any of them tbh

Being competent and doing the right thing seems like absolute witchcraft.
A disturbingly high proportion of people still want to vote for a strong man who says he will get things done by simply bypassing then barring all opposition. The unthinking still voting for demagogues in the 21st century.
I am reading a book on the Russian revolution at the minute and it never fails to surprise me how much certain things never change!

You are completely on point in everything you say, it was true then and still true today.