Home testing


Well-known member
I ordered a home test online on the Wednesday, Royal Mail delivered it on the Thursday
I did the test and walked to the nearest priority postbox Thursday afternoon - got the results Friday night to say I had tested positive for coronavirus
So that system was way quicker than I'd anticipated it would be
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The Mrs (care worker) has been testing 4 times a week. 2 full fat send-off-in-the-post tests and two quick Lateral Flow tests.

If you don't gag, you haven't done it properly 😉 so she says 😁
Until they produce something better than having a super-size Q-tip reaching the top of your skull... it's a no from me

Really we need a pin-pr*ck option... like how diabetic's check their sugar levels
Come on its not that bad, barely even notice it after the first few
It's a lot of taxpayer's money though, think I'd prefer it been given to the NHS for the pay rise they are after, also to the fire brigade and police.