Happy St George's Day

there is an england
of sycamore trees
dappled in sunlight
their dalmatian leaves
standing guard over verges

of ginnels between houses
whose doors bear a welcome,
kettles ever bubbling,
sofas ever dented from
shared laughter at daftness

of ice cream vans
tinkling their way through
the 99 dreams
and the skipping of children,
fists full of piggybank raidings

of dads with tall tales
for wideopen little ears,
their secret codes
of clicks and winks
velcro for wonderment

of bus drivers dispensing
directions like boiled sweets
to confused old wayfarers
in the marathon weave between
bellringing and the door

of post office clerks’
fascination and patience
at a pensioner’s to-do list
exchanged like currency,
new pennies for gold nuggets

of pub quizzers pondering
that one crucial question
they’ll have forgotten when
asked in the morning, wiped
like brows at chuckingout time

of handholding old couples,
ramblers, amblers, schoolteachers,
cookingfat splashed forearms
wrapping lunch in fish and chip
paper gone stale, unread

there is an england
in streetlights and shadows,
in terraces and shops
open hands bearing chipped mugs of tea,
and always, always extra biscuits for pilgrims.
to all those celebrating this year!

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What a load of b0llox

Ashamed of the majority of the people who have been conned and hoodwinked by the Tory (crooks) and Tory media over the years, the country is going to be left literally in a shambles after this Tory cabal of a corrupt government get hopefully booted out with a huge size 15 boot….
We have nothing to be proud of in this country anymore but try and play the game of survival now that the country has been ravaged by them

No sustainable energy policy as bills still double what they were
Water companies raping the population
Brexit wiped 4% off our gdp
Food prices through the roof whilst Tesco Asda etc make 800-1billion profit in a year EACH
NHS a complete disaster - officially under funded since 2010 despite Tory lies ; it’s had higher funding than previous years but crucially not what it needed in real terms increases and that’s where the Tory blatantly lie about the figures.
I’ve waited in A&E for 13 hours, it was a horrendous experience sat watching the state of people coming through with incredible mental health issues
Need ID to vote as well now (keep those people away who don’t vote for the Tories)
Roads falling apart
Schools literally falling apart and hugely underfunded
Mental health services virtually pointless as all are about 6 sessions then carve them out of the door 🙈🤷‍♂️

(We’re all in it together - yeah right)

As soon as we can - we are gone for somewhere more tolerant and warmer 👌
Let the far right turn it into the Wild West and just like the USA (GB news and far right propaganda media will never give up and get their way)
Would normally be fairly positive about the whole thing, I love this country, but the government have once again made be a bit ashamed of it with their sickening Rwanda scheme.

Hard to feel proud to be English when your government is celebrating the ability to deport people on your national day.
Would normally be fairly positive about the whole thing, I love this country, but the government have once again made be a bit ashamed of it with their sickening Rwanda scheme.

Hard to feel proud to be English when your government is celebrating the ability to deport people on your national day.
It's what George would have wanted.

(Except he never actually visited England. Or slayed a dragon.)
What a load of b0llox

Ashamed of the majority of the people who have been conned and hoodwinked by the Tory (crooks) and Tory media over the years, the country is going to be left literally in a shambles after this Tory cabal of a corrupt government get hopefully booted out with a huge size 15 boot….
We have nothing to be proud of in this country anymore but try and play the game of survival now that the country has been ravaged by them

No sustainable energy policy as bills still double what they were
Water companies raping the population
Brexit wiped 4% off our gdp
Food prices through the roof whilst Tesco Asda etc make 800-1billion profit in a year EACH
NHS a complete disaster - officially under funded since 2010 despite Tory lies ; it’s had higher funding than previous years but crucially not what it needed in real terms increases and that’s where the Tory blatantly lie about the figures.
I’ve waited in A&E for 13 hours, it was a horrendous experience sat watching the state of people coming through with incredible mental health issues
Need ID to vote as well now (keep those people away who don’t vote for the Tories)
Roads falling apart
Schools literally falling apart and hugely underfunded
Mental health services virtually pointless as all are about 6 sessions then carve them out of the door 🙈🤷‍♂️

(We’re all in it together - yeah right)

As soon as we can - we are gone for somewhere more tolerant and warmer 👌
Let the far right turn it into the Wild West and just like the USA (GB news and far right propaganda media will never give up and get their way)
So you're saying you might not be celebrating?
Quite right too.
I dont recognise the Georgian/Turkish/ Roman soldier who is patron saint of Venice, Genoa, Portugal, Ethiopia and Catalonia among others.

It's S

Quite right too.
I dont recognise the Georgian/Turkish/ Roman soldier who is patron saint of Venice, Genoa, Portugal, Ethiopia and Catalonia among others.

It's St Edmund the Martyr

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St Edmund had a talking wolf that looked after his decapitated head as well, much better than all the far fetched dragon business.
Surely we should have a day to celebrate our nation? As has been said about other places, you need to separate the country/people from the government and it's actions.

I don't actually do much celebrating, mainly as it's not a public holiday and very little different from a normal working day but fine for those that do and would fully support the creation of a public holiday with local events that celebrate the best of our communities and people