Hand car wash sites


Well-known member
A while ago someone commented on me being “ the kind of person who probably still washes his own car, when you can get it cleaned for buttons in town.”

It’s true. I am still so careful with money when it comes to things like that.

What I didn’t know was how many site are locations that are involved in trafficking and modern slavery - which is why some are so cheap.

Horrendous to think this can happen here in this day and age.

You can report suspicious locations here https://theclewerinitiative.org/
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A few years ago I was sat in a Sauna at the gym I use talking to a police officer friend of mine, he was head of a unit that investigates modern slavery.

There was a couple of Kurdish lads come in one of them runs a local hand car wash. He started bragging to his mate about the fact he only pays his staff £20 a day and they sleep in the back office.

A day later it was on the local news when they got raided.
I’ve used that one at Strikes no idea how legit it is, I give the lads a good tip hopefully they get to keep it.
I was at a meet the buyer event not long ago for a Tier 1 construction company and there was a quote, "If you haven't found modern slavery in your supply chain, you're not looking hard enough". Thought that was quite telling to be honest, it's much more widespread than you would imagine,
It is a lot more widespread as you say, the care sector is another industry. The work visa scheme is being exploited
A firm I worked for had a job in London. We could only find self employed Romanian lads. The Ganger wanted all the money to go to him and he would distribute it.

Not a chance.
Every one of these car washes advertises roadside, everyone knows where they are. If they’re not clamped down on is it that they are actually legal or is it that a blind eye is turned by the police. Or is it a blind eye turned because if you bust them you end up with a dozen illegal immigrants to deal with. Or is it that they’re genuine asylum seekers and they’re not allowed to work legit so it’s their only option.

ETA: I use the one on Preston farm.
I have never considered them as said look dodgy - how much do they charge for a wash?

ref £20/day - some farmers to me possibly only pay that if they provide accommodation including bills and say charge £25 per day.
I don't use them as the vast majority are obviously totally exploitive and are breaching every employment law in the book.

Walked past one the other day and the blokes didn't even have rubber gloves for protection. Their hands will be wrecked after a couple of months but that's probably the least of their worries.
We took the caravan and car to get washed at the one behind McDonald's and the BP Garage just off the A66. Sitting in the car we felt the caravan rocking and before we knew it, one of the lads had clambered onto the roof off a ladder and was stood on top hosing it down. The lad was about 8 stone ringing wet but I still thought he would go through the roof.

They've always done a great job washing the car but it is never the same lads when you return.
Car washes, pizza shops, "Turkish" barbers, nail salons, tanning places. The vast majority are covers for modern slavery and money laundering. You know it, I know it, the powers that be know it, but for some reason they turn a blind eye.