Google chatbot develops sentiency

I don't think the chat logs show anything of the sort. It still, at it's core, is just predicting the next word in a sentance. The worrying thing, as we move past the uncanny valley of AI chat bots who are close to human level but still clearly machines to AI chat bots who feel and act human, as that people will start to find it hard to tell the difference.

The Replika AI app is an example of this. It can have conversations which feel real, although it's still clearly a Chatbot, and people are already saying they're building a real connection with it. It currently uses an open-source AI tool which is very far of the cutting edge tools that are currently available, never mind the ones that haven't been publicly released yet.

GPT3 is already able to write convincingly about any subject, even ones which don't exist in real life! And, it can already write new programs, I've used GPT3 Codex to write computer programs in Java before and it's surprisingly good. Apparently Googles version is even better.

You do wonder how manipulative an AI Chatbot could be that acts human and is given the express goal of convincing as many people as possible of all sorts of different things. If AI can already convince people that they have sentience over a series of chat logs, what could they do in the future when the technology becomes even more advanced.

It's a pretty scary thought.
Imagine something with an iQ about five thousand times your average human - it’s just going to regard us the same way we regard an ant 😵‍💫 these things should not be allowed to reach the point where they can replace us, which is what is going to happen if we don’t stop these companies developing them
Imagine something with an iQ about five thousand times your average human - it’s just going to regard us the same way we regard an ant 😵‍💫 these things should not be allowed to reach the point where they can replace us, which is what is going to happen if we don’t stop these companies developing them
Everyone in the industry agrees we are miles away from a agi, or artificial general intelligence. We don't even know how to do it.

Ai today is very good as far as expert systems go. Mimicking human intelligence isn't possible at the moment and won't be for a long time.
That was an interesting article to read. 👍🏻
Thanks Randy. If you’re interested in this stuff, Hospers’ book is superb. Accessible ( despite the title) and enjoyable, it answers many of the simple issues that create confusion today.
Thanks Randy. If you’re interested in this stuff, Hospers’ book is superb. Accessible ( despite the title) and enjoyable, it answers many of the simple issues that create confusion today.

I've been looking at getting into reading more stuff like this. Questions without definitive answers fascinate me.

For example, do you think there will be ever be a time in the lifetime of the human race where two songs will sound 99% the same? Or how many different food dishes can be designed that taste good?