
I have never had a lesson since I was 14. Now in my fifties - around 10 years ago I finally - I mean finally after 30 + years of playing the game cured my slice after seeing something in golf monthly - so I tried it.
At address ; of the ball ; before you hit it ; just move your right elbow in slightly closer to your hip (like tucking it in a little like 1 to 2cms only) and swing normally ; try to be conscious of that right elbow remaining tucked in as you swing and lo and behold - my slice disappeared ; it's basically physics ; tucking in your right elbow stops you swinging outside the line of the ball and returning back to the ball from outside to inside (thus creating the sidespin)

Go and try it slicers and report back - i'll take my payment via bacs 😉
Funnily enough this is the reason why Youtube videos get a bad rep. That works for you but there might be 10 players that slice the ball and 10 different reasons why they each slice it. Your fix will help one of them but the other 9 have a different reason. Even if that might help some it would make others worse because they might be doing multiple things wrong. The golf swing is extremely complicated and you could analyse 100 different elements of it.

I had a bad slice, like a lot of high handicappers do, and a pro knew how to fix it after seeing me swing 2 or 3 times. My grip was wrong and causing my face to be open at impact but just fixing that caused me to hit it straight but left because my path was wrong as well. I wasn't rotating enough so using my arms instead of my body. Concentrating on my follow through fixed my path. I went from massive slice to straight in a 30 minute lesson. I then had other lessons which helped me do things that gained me consistency and distance. I had already tried adjusting my grip or following through better, and a load of other stuff, but just doing one of them or trying all of them meant I wasn't getting the right combination of fixes.
Funnily enough this is the reason why Youtube videos get a bad rep. That works for you but there might be 10 players that slice the ball and 10 different reasons why they each slice it. Your fix will help one of them but the other 9 have a different reason. Even if that might help some it would make others worse because they might be doing multiple things wrong. The golf swing is extremely complicated and you could analyse 100 different elements of it.

I had a bad slice, like a lot of high handicappers do, and a pro knew how to fix it after seeing me swing 2 or 3 times. My grip was wrong and causing my face to be open at impact but just fixing that caused me to hit it straight but left because my path was wrong as well. I wasn't rotating enough so using my arms instead of my body. Concentrating on my follow through fixed my path. I went from massive slice to straight in a 30 minute lesson. I then had other lessons which helped me do things that gained me consistency and distance. I had already tried adjusting my grip or following through better, and a load of other stuff, but just doing one of them or trying all of them meant I wasn't getting the right combination of fixes.
Absolutely. Well said and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say.
I’m just sharing what happened for me but that was with me knowing my grip was correct and that might not necessarily be true for the next person 👍
I have never had a lesson since I was 14. Now in my fifties - around 10 years ago I finally - I mean finally after 30 + years of playing the game cured my slice after seeing something in golf monthly - so I tried it.
At address ; of the ball ; before you hit it ; just move your right elbow in slightly closer to your hip (like tucking it in a little like 1 to 2cms only) and swing normally ; try to be conscious of that right elbow remaining tucked in as you swing and lo and behold - my slice disappeared ; it's basically physics ; tucking in your right elbow stops you swinging outside the line of the ball and returning back to the ball from outside to inside (thus creating the sidespin)

Go and try it slicers and report back - i'll take my payment via bacs 😉
I think I tried something like that before to help with rotation, basically I move my arms a lot and don't rotate much.
Never had a lesson in my life and just got down to 9 H/C I'm never gonna be Tiger Woods just enjoy it, just wish I was retired as I would play every day.
Good effort, need to be a very good player to get to single figures. Best I got was down to about 14 when I could play often. Be lucky to be off 18 now I think.

I'll be playing every day when retired though, it's like the main thing I want to retire for haha!