Go to items of clothing

I’ve had a pair of Loake brogues for 12 years now, resoled a few times but largely been very cheap over that period of time. Had a set of Barker shoes for 5 years but mostly opt for the Loake. Both are the made in the uk variant. I have a set of the Loake’s made overseas in black for a funeral and the quality difference is vast but then so is the price I guess

Had a set of redwings boots for 7 years, very nice.

Used to always buy Levi’s but I don’t think the quality is there anymore. Bizzarly, got a few cheap pairs from Hollister when they were in a clearance sale for £20 for 2 pairs and they’ve held up really well.

I have a fjallraven winter coat which was extortionate but got it in a sale, used a discount code and got cashback on it which took the sting out a bit. Served me really well doing walks during the beast from the easy period as well as cold holidays in Poland, Germany and Russia. Don’t even feel the cold through it at all and been lashed down in rain and stayed bone dry, use it less in the UK but still get few months a year out of it.

Not that fussy on T-shirt’s etc so will mostly wear anything
When I had a tonne off disposable income I used to buy a lot of Sunspel stuff. The quality was so good. it was subtle, with no branding and just muted shades but felt so nice to wear. Sadly I can no longer justify spending that much money on clothes.
I don't wear Jeans - they were uncomfortable. Trainers make my feet stink I have T shirts but rarely wear them when out.

CAsual usually Rohan trousers, bags for preference - Orvis for Polo shirts or Keela, shoes sketchers, jacket Rohan or Lands end in summer but duvet jacket for winter

Formal - made to measure/ bespoke suit, English cloth , English tailor - shirts WH Taylor bespoke or occasionally Charles Tyrwhitt
Grenson leather shoes
I have many superb items of clothing. Right now I'm wearing a pair of paisley burgundy flares. I'm traditionally known for wearing a bakerboy cap, military styled coats, waistcoats, flares, braces, brogues and neon socks. Not all at the same time.
Haven't worn docs in, yes, well decades. As a gentleman with size 11 feet I find them unsuitable for driving, the large welt(?) means that I can catch two pedals with one foot. Not great.

As I'm WFH more these days it is my "dog walking" gear I usually find myself in. So Craghoppers walking trousers, a band tee shirt and supermarket pants and socks. Quite a sartorial picture eh? Shoes are either some sort of walking gear or Timberland trainers. My wife pointed out the other day that I have a completely unworn pair of new "work" shoes (purchased just before lockdown). When I do go into work I wear a company branded polo shirt, whatever trousers I was already wearing and trainers. I used to wear shirts but I can't be bothered these days. I've always had a tendency to scruffiness. Back in the 70s I would have had long hair, jeans of some sort (flared), trainers or dessie boots and a band tee (nice to hold onto something!).
Levi’s 504 jeans
Always had a Levi’s Sherpa trucker jacket.
Barbour jackets
And always M&S for socks and white cotton boxer shorts!