Ghostwatch 1992

I watched this about 2 years ago for the first time, it’s pretty bad by todays standards, but at the time I guess it would of been pretty spooky, don’t think it’ll have aged well if you watched it originally back in the day, give it a watch and let me know how you feel about it given the passage of time
Pipes 👻👻
For it's time , it was scary as a kid. ( Especially as it was on at primetime 8pm ish )
Even as a kid, I remember the last bit being too far fetched.
There's no way that the subject matter would allowed on now at that time
Watched it as a 9 year old and scared the life out of me. I turned it off before the more fantastical parts at the end (which I’ve watched since). I remember my mum telling me it was all fake the next day but I thought she was just saying it because she knew I was terrified.
I'd been out that night and had recorded it.
When I got back a few lads over the road were talking about it, they'd 'seen this' and 'noticed that' and were discussing if it was real.
My Mam had watched it and she believed it I think , anyway I sat down and was able to rewind the bits that showed the ghost etc,which was done in a clever way for the audience.
It's a good nostalgia trip and shows how innocent things were, even in 1992.
I was 10 and watched it with my mam who was 100% convinced it was real. I've never been a believer in ghosts but I've always liked to entertain the possibility and really enjoyed it. The scene where the camera turned around and passed a figure stood on screen then swung back to show nothing there had my mam hiding behind the cushions but I had some suspicions. In the days of low resolution TV and no ability to rewind live TV, it was easier to trick viewers. I vaguely remember a child floating above a bed too but that may have been a film or some other show I saw around that time.