For every minute she talks there's 2 minutes clapping

These speeches are a waste of time for anyone looking for solutions. Just rabble rousing slogans of supposed intent with no back up real action plan, just wishful thinking. Why do folk still expect these vain self important clowns to solve real problems.

Nobody expects it. But we do expect a little less divisive talk and some empathy for the nation given the fact that it's not just the Tory membership loons watching on. The speech was even worse than I expected but confirms that not only is she completely out of her depth the whole despicable bunch of them are very dangerous and not fit to govern.
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Looked staged to me, Truss couldn’t think anything off the cuff like that.
How many Greenpeace protesters have you ever seen who look like young Tories?

Hmm not sure what the general idea of your typical greenpeace protester is these days but they are not all swampy types. My daughter is a member and would have been there had she been able to. I can assure you she doesn't wear a patched up denim jacket, combat trousers or wear flowers in her hair.
Hmm not sure what the general idea of your typical greenpeace protester is these days but they are not all swampy types. My daughter is a member and would have been there had she been able to. I can assure you she doesn't wear a patched up denim jacket, combat trousers or wear flowers in her hair.
That’s not what I said, I said they don’t usually look like young Tories! If the look was deliberate to get in then fair play to them.