Footballs Darkest Secret


Well-known member
If you haven't seen it make time!!! A terribly sad situation that should never have been allowed to happen.

I pray all children are given a platform to express their concerns in life following this.
The survivors are very inspirational, their stories are truly harrowing,makes me mad how the perpetrators were allowed to carry on breathing and being kept alive on tax payers money.
They should have been put in the chair
I’ve just watched the episodes back to back and am in bits. Horrendous stories and the survivors are so inspirational.
I’ve just watched the episodes back to back and am in bits. Horrendous stories and the survivors are so inspirational.
While I wholeheartedly agree that this was appalling, one must ask about complicity.
Everybody in the football world was aware of the "goings on" at Crewe.
We may all chose to either deny that it was common knowledge or pretend to be surprised.
The practises now revealed were tolerated and were even the butt of toilet humour at the time.
Had the football world wanted this to stop it would have been very easy to implement the law of the land.
Even the terminology of the day "kiddy fiddlers" demeaned the seriousness of these horrendous actions.
Unfortunate paedophiles, which is what they are, have always infiltrated areas where children are placed in their care and under their power.
I have not watched it.
I feel like I should but I just I can't stomach it.
I don't want to even imagine something so sickening.
Well done to anyone who does take the time to watch it.
It shows great respect to the victims.
I just don't think I can do it and I am really very sorry about that.
I have not watched it.
I feel like I should but I just I can't stomach it.
I don't want to even imagine something so sickening.
Well done to anyone who does take the time to watch it.
It shows great respect to the victims.
I just don't think I can do it and I am really very sorry about that.
its an extremely tough watch, but one which may protect your child life.