FMTTM Coffee Club

The last shout out for the FMTTM Coffee Club which is meeting this morning at 9.30 am at the Connexions Community Cafe on Linthorpe Rd (Further up from the Dovecot). We should be there until around 11 am. Pop in if your in the area and come and say hello.

Thanks to Norfolkred1 for organising this.
It was good to see everyone who turned out and the venue was a good choice (well done Norfolkred1) - the poor waitress was run off her feet.

We have put in another meeting for Saturday 8th June @ 10 am and again at the Connexions Cafe - The breakfasts are worth turning up for.

Enjoy the game. #UTB
It was good to see everyone who turned out and the venue was a good choice (well done Norfolkred1) - the poor waitress was run off her feet.

We have put in another meeting for Saturday 8th June @ 10 am and again at the Connexions Cafe - The breakfasts are worth turning up for.

Enjoy the game. #UTB
Cheers for that, I like the place and a decent price and standard of food. Poor girl was ran off her feet, hopefully quieter next time.
That big breakfast I had satisfied me no end. Didn't have another to eat until 7pm.
Great company once again, thanks.
I told the waitress to put her holidays in for the next meet. Poor girl, run off her feet.
No early home game, so I think she will be fine at the next one 😄
Hi folks,

The next meeting of the FMTTM Coffee Club will be taking place on Saturday 8th June from 10.00 am to around noon at the Connections Cafe on Linthorpe Rd. It is a large venue with plenty of space so please feel free to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

Please post on this thread here if you are going to attend.

During our last meeting, I had food envy when I saw the madHatter full English and I will not be making the same mistake this time. ;)

Hi folks,

The next meeting of the FMTTM Coffee Club will be taking place on Saturday 8th June from 10.00 am to around noon at the Connections Cafe on Linthorpe Rd. It is a large venue with plenty of space so please feel free to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

Please post on this thread here if you are going to attend.

During our last meeting, I had food envy when I saw the madHatter full English and I will not be making the same mistake this time. ;)

I can’t make this one unfortunately due to care commitments but hoping to be back along for the July one and into the new season 💪