Farage absolutely walked that

The Left can be as bad as the Right.. To dismiss Farage outright & by association anyone who finds debate in anything he says as big a bigot as the man himself is to fail to recognise a - broad range of people from very divergent backgrounds - feels there are issues to be addressed: Farage just hits the immigration button to spark the reaction..

Nigel Farage's most controversial moments: from 'racist' comments to a plane crash:

Pie is right, fix the other issues don't blame immigration itself, however relentless immigration - in ever increasing numbers - is unsustainable.. the reasons countries are failing needs to be addressed..

It's not just Little Englanders & it's not just the right in EU that are recognising this - I think it's deluded to just think it is.

Society needs control & Immigration needs to be managed, including & as unpopular as it may be to some - refusing entry to both asylum seekers & visa applicants with repatriation to their countries where each country decides that is the outcome..
Put much more eloquently than I can but perfectly summed up

Phoney Flag-wavers Farage And Sunak Are Our Real Enemies​

News Reporter
WE’VE seen and heard a lot about patriotism this week.

We saw it at Portsmouth and Normandy when the surviving D-Day veterans looked frail and stooped, but their jutting chins and rows of gleaming medals still defiantly announced that they were the ones who ran unflinchingly into ferocious Nazi gunfire and freed the world from the most awful of tyrannies.

These once young men put their lives on the line so their families, their towns and their country would be free from the dark cloud of fascism. Their supreme selflessness truly defines the word patriotic.

And we heard about patriotism from Nigel Farage and Rishi Sunak, who believe the political parties they lead have a monopoly on love for their country. From Operation Overlord to Operation Totalfraud. From giants of men to self-aggrandising pygmies.

Before the flying milkshake silenced Farage, he sucked up to his ageing, white fanbase in Clacton by telling them that every party but Reform were not “genuinely patriotic”, because, “they don’t believe in Britain the way you do”. This from the snake-oil salesman who sold the lie to desperate people in deprived towns like Clacton that Brexit would solve all their problems. That freed from our European allies and foreign invaders they would finally get their country back.

However, such cynical exploitation of the masses through rabid nationalism, while it might advance your career, is the opposite of patriotism. And he knows it.

When Sunak ran for Tory leader (two years before this week’s snubbing of the Normandy veterans in favour of a TV interview) he said: “My values are non-negotiable: Patriotism, fairness, hard work. We’ve had enough of division.” Today, fearing an electoral wipeout from the Right, he chases Farage’s divisive shadow, threatening to drag the UK out of the European Convention on Human Rights and force teenagers into National Service.

He wants voters to believe that making soldiers out of modern-day kids is a great patriotic move, but most sane people, including the military, see it for the cynical, populist gimmick that it is.

Let’s look closer at Sunak’s “non-negotiable” patriotic values.

This is the man who bet against the Pound during the 2008 financial crisis, whose wife’s non-dom status saved her £20million, who bragged about shifting money from deprived inner-city areas to rich Tory ones to win votes.

This was the Chancellor who oversaw vast cronyism and waste during lockdown, who chose not to tell the scientists about Eat Out to Help Out, which led to the spreading of Covid, who scrapped the welfare uplift for the poorest Brits while building a huge extension on one of his mansions.

The man who refused to let the country decide who should be PM after the Liz Truss debacle, whose friends claimed if he hadn’t won the Tory leadership he would have quit Britain and moved to California, and who this week lied about Labour’s tax plans to con voters into electing him.

Like Farage, Sunak’s Tories attempt to score points by depicting the professionals at the core of this country – civil servants, judges, teachers, doctors – as the “woke blob”.

They label them the enemies of the people when it’s phoney flag-wavers like them who really deserve that billing. Contrary to their posturing they don’t put their country first.

Farage fights for Farage and Sunak fights for Sunak.

Never confuse right-wing shysters who claim to have a monopoly on loving their country with real patriots.
How has nobody called this comment out? Absolutely disgusting
It is, but then he's a disgusting individual who inspires disgusting reactions.

I saw something on the news this morning where Farage was described as being "someone who divides opinion, but then all politicians divide opinion". I can't get on board with that, there's no other politician I can think of that would provoke such an extreme statement from me.
Farage is nothing but a two bit sock puppet for the likes of Aaron Banks. He's done nothing good for this country and never will. Never forget that immigration isn't the real target of his hateful rhetoric, it's human rights in this country. That's what Brexit was ultimately about.
Reform splitting the Tory vote would be excellent - they both may end up with a larger number of right voters getting a centre / left MP, which would be superb..

"Balfour's unseating became symbolic of the Conservative Party's landslide defeat. The result has since been called one of the biggest upsets in British political history and remains the only instance of a former Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition losing their seat in a General election."

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/E14000895 Could he really lose his seat?

Yeah, but if you think well known grifter and self promoting, lying, self serving, dishonest, division creating, hatred stoking, racist, seller of snake oil and purveyor of misinformation ‘says it as it is’ then, you know…. maybe your view on his performance can by discounted a teensy weensy bit 🤷🏼‍♂️
Yes he’s dreadful.

I’ve actually stopped listening to him and his sinister bile.

And I think he is old hat now.
Right now he's doing a far better job for Labour than Starmer, Rayner and co. If the Tories win fewer than 100 seats at the election, Farage and Reform will be one of the key reasons.
The only reason Farage is getting any traction is because the Tories have failed in government, it’s just a party the fed up Tories can rally around for this election.
Farage lying about immigrant's dependants sums him up. He believes his own lies. At least he got through it without being milk shaked🤣
Farage is nothing but a two bit sock puppet for the likes of Aaron Banks. He's done nothing good for this country and never will. Never forget that immigration isn't the real target of his hateful rhetoric, it's human rights in this country. That's what Brexit was ultimately about.
Whats Boro's coach got to do with this ?
Reform splitting the Tory vote would be excellent - they both may end up with a larger number of right voters getting a centre / left MP, which would be superb..

"Balfour's unseating became symbolic of the Conservative Party's landslide defeat. The result has since been called one of the biggest upsets in British political history and remains the only instance of a former Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition losing their seat in a General election."

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/E14000895 Could he really lose his seat?

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Be careful what you wish for. If Farage does really help cause the implosion of the Tory party, imagine what vacuum the remaining far right could fill. It's not this election cycle I'm worried about, it's the one after that, or the one after that
Farage lying about immigrant's dependants sums him up. He believes his own lies. At least he got through it without being milk shaked🤣

Reform UK's Nigel Farage: 'Most of those who come in are actually dependants'​

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage was speaking about legal migration. He did not specify which time period he was talking about but this claim is not correct when you examine the latest figures for all visas issued.
In the year ending March 2024, about 1.4m visas were issued and about a third went to dependants.
Mr Farage was challenged by the BBC’s Mishal Hussain and then said “about 50% that come are dependants”.
That claim is more or less correct for work visas.
Out of all the work visas issued in the year ending March 2024 - the latest available figures - 48% were issued to dependants, external.
I though him and the greens did the best like. Labour think they have it in the bag so offer a watered down manifesto and have dull leaders in keir and Rayner. They simply aren't going to bring radical change