Famous Celebrities That Are Considered Hot But Don't Do It For You?

So would I if that was my job to flaunt my body every second I was awake or in the gym 7 days a week. I just hate false/fake attention seeking people.
Doesn’t matter how conventionally attractive someone is, if they’re ugly on the inside like her then it seeps through and pollutes her in my eyes. The way she seemed to use Les Dennis to
Gain a career then cheat on him so publicly and destroy him made her repulsive to me
Call me old fashioned, but obvious plastic surgery, be it lip fillers or more extensive puts me off.
You can grow old gracefully and it's a really sad state of affairs that we live in a society that places so much pressure on women to try and adhere to an image that is almost unattainable.
Call me old fashioned, but obvious plastic surgery, be it lip fillers or more extensive puts me off.
You can grow old gracefully and it's a really sad state of affairs that we live in a society that places so much pressure on women to try and adhere to an image that is almost unattainable.
Those lips the young girls get these days are absolutely minging imo. Hideous.
For balance - there's a handful of male celebrities that I as a straight male can look at and admit "yeah, he's objectively attractive" (Ryan Gosling, Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Tom Hardy)

Then there's some that I just don't get at all. Like why women would find Daniel Radcliffe attractive, for instance. He's a fairly good actor, but looks wise I just see Harry Potter.

Jason Momoa is another one. Maybe i'm just jealous of big blokes with long hair and muscles?
Doesn’t matter how conventionally attractive someone is, if they’re ugly on the inside like her then it seeps through and pollutes her in my eyes. The way she seemed to use Les Dennis to
Gain a career then cheat on him so publicly and destroy him made her repulsive to me
She looks attractive, but not sexually to me. Come on though, shag a tory, gain a small victory 😬