Ex - Health Secretary Hancock - a confirmed hypocrite - caught lying to the public and his family by CCTV [Mail]

What would it actually take for an MP to be sacked or asked to resign from this Government? I'm at a loss. Perhaps not offering to share your bit on the side?
A change of leader, Johnson is too compromised to offer any disciplinary action against any Minister without him being a hypocrite, Johnson’s unfathomable appeal to sections of the general public have allowed him a dictatorial pass to behave as he pleases and his ministers have wasted no time in following his lead.
Isn't the other point that while the country is on its knees and you'd expect your health secretary to be working flat out dealing with the crisis, it transpires that he's actually been spending his time in the office nailing his assistant instead? I can guarantee civil servants and other ministers will have been working flat out. What message does this send to them?

You might be able to cut him some slack if he'd done an outstanding job, but the opposite is true isn't it? In any reasonable government that alone should make it impossible for him to carry on.
Being completely hopeless at your job, a habitual liar and having affairs gets you the job of PM rather than the sack in this government. Perhaps Hancock was just pushing for promotion?
In other news: The NAO has concluded that Test and Trace is still missing targets. What was that phrase about news and burying??
I know it is a dead cat & there is something much more worthwhile to get angry about which is being pushed off the front page/down the running order, but sometimes you just can't help but talk about the dead cat.

Also they tend to produce the best memes...
Told you so.

It's beginning to all come crashing down.
No offense Randy but you can't have been paying attention if you think that will happen with this bunch of corrupt incompetents, they think they're untouchable and at the moment it seems like they are.
No offense Randy but you can't have been paying attention if you think that will happen with this bunch of corrupt incompetents, they think they're untouchable and at the moment it seems like they are.
I'm not talking just about government.