EU Human Rights Act

To be fair dood, prawn cocktail crisps are awful, they should be banned along with toblerone (can't eat it without injuring yourself), monster much crisps (they are not crisps) and 10p snacks (they don't cost 10p anymore).
Toblerone, your eating it wrong if your injuring yourself, bend it back over 👍
Dark chocolate Toblerone 😍
To be fair dood, prawn cocktail crisps are awful, they should be banned along with toblerone (can't eat it without injuring yourself), monster much crisps (they are not crisps) and 10p snacks (they don't cost 10p anymore).
Billy Connolly Toblerone
they should be banned along with toblerone (can't eat it without injuring yourself),
I once cut my nipple trying to break a Toblerone that had been in the Fridge. Absolutely knacked, but not as much as the yearly embarrassment at Christmas when the family take the pi$$ about me needing PPE to opne a tolblerone.

and before any one asks, no, I wasn't eating a toblerone topless. Perverts.