Donald Trump - another irrelevance if he becomes president

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To be fair it was obvious what his game was days ago.
You’re a Boris backing the cost send the boats back local Tory councillor. It’s a slightly good game to hide your racist views by throwing it at everyone else but I know. But I know things
Well someone has.

My guess based on his posting is he's frequenting some pretty dubious websites and regurgitating the nonsense he's reading as "facts".
Chief economist must from JP Morgan Festa. There’s others. The last economist warning of a total banking collapse would be JP Morgan unless it’s serious. I don’t mind dialogue but explain what I’ve told you is incorrect and why. Trump is also in communication with a ET life form that are planning to enslave civilisation unless he steps back and allows a Biden Sanders coalition. Prove me wrong 😉
Well someone has.

My guess based on his posting is he's frequenting some pretty dubious websites and regurgitating the nonsense he's reading as "facts".
He his that fake intelligence of the "do your own research" crowd doesn't he? I posted it straight away, he uses verbal diarrhoea, big long and rambling posts which are not doubt copied and pasted to give the impression he knows what he's talking about. He's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is though. Has confused verbosity for intellect.
Bruce Kasman produce a paper the other week I read stating that a US and global recession is likely by end of 2024 or early 2025. A recession with $35 trillion of debt is a catastrophe. He’s the chief global economist at JP Morgan. There’s a couple of others I can’t remember their names I’ve watched I’ll dig them out. All fiat currencies collapse eventually usually during what is known as the age of Aquarius which is the point at which all empires reach the same point and collapse.
Kasman was reported to have told his clients at JPM that there was a possibility of a recession but chances were less than 50%. Oh and he said similar in 2021 too. Certainly not the doomsday scenario you are painting.
He his that fake intelligence of the "do your own research" crowd doesn't he? I posted it straight away, he uses verbal diarrhoea, big long and rambling posts which are not doubt copied and pasted to give the impression he knows what he's talking about. He's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is though. Has confused verbosity for intellect.
How many children have you starved this week Tory Spelling? I’ve just been playing with you and you did exactly what I knew you would. Only thing worse than a Tory is a Tory councillor. Oh dear. Ban the boats with mates. Dropped a clanger have you bigot smalls. Who’d be a Tory? Especially one who’s been lying to a message board for years. I know. Pick your enemies wisely. Immigrants and hungry children are usually yours
Kasman was reported to have told his clients at JPM that there was a possibility of a recession but chances were less than 50%. Oh and he said similar in 2021 too. Certainly not the doomsday scenario you are painting.
You don’t have to believe me I’m ok with that. They hid their collapse in 2008 until it happened. Then the panic hits. Yiu dont have to believe me and can dismiss it’s ok. This time banks are warning but quietly as they are screwed. Cannot be bailed out this time.
How many children have you starved this week Tory Spelling? I’ve just been playing with you and you did exactly what I knew you would. Only thing worse than a Tory is a Tory councillor. Oh dear. Ban the boats with mates. Dropped a clanger have you bigot smalls. Who’d be a Tory? Especially one who’s been lying to a message board for years. I know. Pick your enemies wisely. Immigrants and hungry children are usually yours
Bigot Bigot Bigot can’t you see that youve spent your whole life as a Tory. You’ll hate that one he was a black rapper
“They’re different but both dangerous. She with Biden collapsed their economy…. $27 billion was added to the debt in one single day last week.”
This simply isn’t true or as catastrophic as you say. Firstly every day the US debt costs $3B in interest, so $27B in a day isn’t so out of the ordinary. Secondly, debt increased significantly more under Trump than Biden.

You are all free to check my sources, which have not been provided to you by other posters.

He his that fake intelligence of the "do your own research" crowd doesn't he? I posted it straight away, he uses verbal diarrhoea, big long and rambling posts which are not doubt copied and pasted to give the impression he knows what he's talking about. He's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is though. Has confused verbosity for intellect.

This simply isn’t true or as catastrophic as you say. Firstly every day the US debt costs $3B in interest, so $27B in a day isn’t so out of the ordinary. Secondly, debt increased significantly more under Trump than either Biden or Trump predecessor Obama.

Feel free to check my sources, which have not been provided to you by other posters.

It’s ok non of this was other than to get John Tory to pop back. Tory’s are predictable creatures. Quite a lot of that is true btw. The most factually correct is that ST is a fully paid up Tory masquerading as your friends. Typical Tory trick.
It’s ok non of this was other than to get John Tory to pop back. Tory’s are predictable creatures. Quite a lot of that is true btw. The most factually correct is that ST is a fully paid up Tory masquerading as your friends. Typical Tory trick.
You’re calling me a Tory?

You can check my post history, I post in a non-antagonist way. Please provide an evidenced based reply or stop with personal attacks.
Fuc,king hell.
This seems to be happening on a lot of threads. t*t for tat nonsense.

I am cleverer than you and this is why... jesus.

Yes, yes, I can choose not to open these threads but a lot of them are interesting until 2 or 3 posters hijack it
Fuc,king hell.
This seems to be happening on a lot of threads. t*t for tat nonsense.

I am cleverer than you and this is why... jesus.

Yes, yes, I can choose not to open these threads but a lot of them are interesting until 2 or 3 posters hijack it
I’m miles more clevererer than you. I’m in mincer
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