Dear me.. single bedroom rentals!!!

Nice one didn't realise it was you, at the Buddist Monastry. Can I ask where you did the volunteering I think you posted you were there 3 weeks ago ?
I was and it was here.. If anyone has spare time and needs a break, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Food was amazing, Dorms and bathrooms, amazing. Some people have stayed for months and years. I do not want to be ordained and nor do some residents, but the mindset is still the same. I would go back tomorrow.
At work we got a company in to provide property guardians as we had an empty building & didn't want it stripped before we did something with it.

It isn't for everyone as it isn't a secure tenure (occupation is on a rolling 28 day notice period) but I was chatting to one of the guardians & they said there are more properties than guardians, so when one ends they move to a new one and if you are a decent guardian then you get preferential treatment, ie first choice of new properties.

It was a few years ago now & I can't remember the firm we used (I'll check the file when I get to work on Monday & see if I still have their details) but if you google there are loads out there.

There are also flat / house shares, again not for everyone but for a short period to enable you to get on your feet again they can work.
eg £50 a week in Cargo Fleet with someone with OCD so the place should be neat & tidy at least! ;)