Daily Mail


Well-known member
I admit it i read it not for the news which i don't care about, but the sport and puzzles are good as are the letters, but the real reason we read it is we took an offer to go digital for £20 for the year at christmas time saved a fortune,no papers to get rid of,take it abroad,don't have to go out and get the paper.
If there is an offer next year on any paper digitally i will leap at it.
I read it on a 10" fire tablet that previously i had no use for my wife reads it on her phone.
Daily Mail is one of the newspaper’s I have never read,
I’m going to have a little punt it supports the conservatives. 😜
Every Saturday morning for a few years now I go into Asda to do my shopping and place a pile of Mirror newspapers on top of the Daily Mail. Doesn’t stop people buying them but just makes it a bit more of a hassle for the racist morons who read it to find them. Keeps me happy 😂😂.
Every Saturday morning for a few years now I go into Asda to do my shopping and place a pile of Mirror newspapers on top of the Daily Mail. Doesn’t stop people buying them but just makes it a bit more of a hassle for the racist morons who read it to find them. Keeps me happy 😂😂.
The Daily Mirror
I have an app called readly, £7.99 a month, every newspaper and every magazine you can think of all download able so you can read off line, it's brilliant