Craig Johnston

His initial trial at Boro sounded like it was written in the stars for him.......... by Stephen King 😱
The podcast would be a great listen if you never knew what happened next, the part that was broadcast had a 15 year old Craig rejected from the trial and being secretly housed and fed in an outbuilding of his digs.
What a great story, embarrisngly before reading that, I'd never heard of him (I was 2 when he retired). But one thing I can say, when I got my first pair of predators when I was a kid, it was one of the greatest days of my life at that time (still couldn't hit a barn door mind you).
I remember Charlie Bell. A couple of games, was never a top flight player. Not sure where he went after us but he was never going to break into that midfield at the time.
Great read. It's heartwarming to see that he speaks with such fondness of his time here. The coal shed story is brilliant. Imagine as 15 year old realist doing that now?! 😮