Contrast between the UK and other European Countries

we have the 2nd lowest SSP in western europe, only malta pays less. one good thing thst might come out of this mess is to highlight how much workers in this country get shafted to keep the 1% where they are
I'm still trying to digest Macron's long address to the nation tonight and have yet to find a written copy, but if I understood correctly the government will pay 90% of salary for those laid off and 100% for civil servants. All gas, electriclty bills to be suspended along with many other measures. Hard to get my head around but it almost sounded like his use of the phrase "we are at war" or similar at least six times implied that that the word WAR was not a metaphor. I hope I've had too much wine.

There will a downloadable form on the French interior ministry website available from midnight.
So even if you're nipping down to the Boulanger for a baguette you have fill in the form in case you are stopped by the gendarmes. If you don't have a reason for your journey or they deem it unnecessary the fine is €38
You allowed to take a 'short' walk for exercise reasons...but not allowed to gather with others in groups
This was an answer given by the Interior Minister to a journalist in a press conference after Macron's speech
Check France 24 English website. Short video of the press conference there.
Get yer loaf before midday 😉
Cheers ziggy, I found a full copy of Macron's address eventually. I was going to post it on here but it was so long that I figured nobody would read it.
Looks like we have Macron and those other EU countries to thank for shaming our govt into finally acting properly.