Cars jumping red lights

How about this one.... Heading up Marton Road southbound past Marton shops and upto 4 way traffic lights at Southern Cross. Lights turn red, traffic stops.
Range Rover in front dives out of the queue turns left onto Stainton Way heading towards Brunton Arms then crosses the central reservation to do a U turn to head back to the traffic lights and uses filter lane to continue his journey up Dixon's Bank. Saved about 60 seconds obvs in a hurry....vvanker !!!!
I thought we were living in a quasi-authoritarian state or is that just for Covid?


Seriously though, driving standards in general keep going down so red light running shouldn't surprise anyone.
See it at Portrack roundabout & after watching one time to many i went & bought front & back dash cams for my car

On one occassion, sunday morning, when cycling to work I stopped at Portrack roundabout & a car just drove through 2 red lights
I have been noticing more and more people more or less disregarding red lights and forcing their way across. Also twice in the past two weeks cars have effectively squeezed between two cars on a dual carriageway and at speed. The first time was directly in front of me on the A19 the second time driving home from the match around Derby.
All these cars were white or black and you can probably guess the types of car!!
German by any chance? Daft kids in mummy's leased Mercedes?
Get used to it everyone. We now live in a society whereby a larger group of people feel completely entitled to do as they please citing ‘freedom’ as their primary reason
These are your Tory base people, a bit like the trump base folk whereby rules don’t apply to them
You really think it's political -- come to California, red light runners are the norm -- and we're [supposedly] all Democrats in the sunshine state.
Also noticed when going to work on nights, half 5 & goung on to the slip road off the A19 heading towards Portrack roundabout were i've noticed cars approaching the outter lanes, were traffic should be going left, then drive across cutting infront of the traffic heading towards the incinerator, nothing to do with politics, just selfish people who consider themselves more important than you or I
Noticed this when I moved down here in Essex 15 years ago happens all the time especially at certain lights where I live even to the point your lights have gone green & you have started moving forward & if you react your met with a v sign the bird or just shouted out the window to F off (yes they will stop to shout it at you) the women are the worst.

We have people who park on zebra crossings here literally on the crossing not just the zig zag lines, van drivers even hgv drivers who just pull up the kerb so they can run over to the bakery regardless of the mayhem they cause behind them.

We have a lot of those painted roundabouts in the town people don't even attempt to go round them essentially going the wrong way round the roundabout & they will drive at you if you even think about going onto the roundabout before them regardless if they are indicating or not its more often that they're not too & they will give you a tirade of abuse if you if you have the audacity to point out they didn't indicate & they are coming round the roundabout the wrong way again the women are the worst

As for the police forget it they do absolutely nothing they have seen all these incidents but they just drive past & say nothing to them.

Its more a couldn't couldn't give a sh*t what you think I'll do what I like attitude
Got a dashcam. Been tempted to send the red light runner footage to the police a few times.
I would if it caused an accident for sure.
Even driving through Haverton you get crazy drivers doing up to about 50 in a 30 zone, overtaking 2, 3 even 4 cars, absolute madness

The thing is, these selfish people who only care for themselves (because they're more important than you or I) will complain the loudest when the evidence is enough to have speed ramps all the way through these roads due to their constant speeding & then they have to abide by the speed limits