Can Sheep Get Coronavirus?

Hi it's Dennis. Does anybody know if sheep can get Coronavirus? Because I know dog's can't which is good because I live with my dog Polly who is eight, but the Government advice that the man said on TV yesterday is that me and Polly have to stay at home but can go out for a walk. And Polly's favourite walk is in the field where the sheep are near the cows and Polly has to stay on her lead so she doesn't chase the sheep but I don't want to go there if the sheep can catch it off me. Dennis in Redcar Redcar and Cleveland

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Dog faeces can cause serious diseases in sheep. Make sure your Asus iPad has a dog tracker app so a drone can be sent immediately to carry out a dog offensive sttack to protect the poor unfortunate sheep.
Dogs like to play with sheep, especially this time of year. It might seem a bit rough-and-tumble and the sheep are all snowflakes, but sit back and watch the carnage. Sorry, fun.