Boxing: Morgan vs Theroux


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Louis Theroux - “He’s number one, he’s very famous, I think I could take him!

Piers Morgan - “Have you lost your marbles, I’d destroy you in 30 seconds, you puny wastrel”

I’ll go with Morgan looking for the knock out early doors and being knackered by the second minute 😂😂 Theroux to win on points.
Let's be honest if you were fighting Morgan in the ring you'd just cover up for 30 seconds and wait for him to knacker himself out. Then he's a sitting duck after that.
If, I'm in the ring with Morgan.

As the bell goes, full blooded kick to the knackers and as many cheap shots to his prone carcass as I can get in before they drag me off him.
I’ve never really been into all these celebrity/YouTube fights…. But I’d honestly watch this,. Wonder what odds you’d get at the bookies.