Books that have changed your life

Some great picks but I can't say I've ever read a book that has 'changed my life'
I love Beever. Stalingrad, The Fall of Berlin and the Battle for Spain probably my favourites.
For Whom the Bell Tolls is up there
And for the record I absolutely detest Shakespeare. Never got it despite trying several times.
I think because of the age I was when I read it Crime and Punishment influenced me most. I was in my early twenties and just awakening to the more mature concept of seeing things from other people’s perspective. Also the concept of the guilt from your actions being so damaging to yourself.

A lot of the books mentioned, such as To Kill a Mockingbird and Touching the Void (I started reading this one evening and stayed up all night to finish it in a oner) have greatly moved me, but I’m not sure if they influenced me. Birdsong moved me the most, maybe because my owld feller was a miner for most of his working life.

King Lear changed me because it opened my eyes to Shakespeare, it remains the only book I’ve read multiple times and again the concepts, like Dostoyevsky opened my mind in a different way. In fact I’m going back to town now and I’m going into the book swap to see if I can get it and read it again.