Books that have changed your life


Well-known member
I've read a few which really have shaped my outlook on life. Would love to know others as I'm always keen for a recommendation.

So many books, so little time....
Well it will change your life if you take heed of the contents, but TBH I would not recommend doing so!

Seriously, for non-fiction try Factfulness

Fiction anything by George Orwell
I understand what you mean after reading the synopsis. I've read 1984 but nothing else.
I love the sound of Factfulness.
"Moby d*ck" by Herman Melville, because all of life is there. "Bad Wisdom" by Bill Drummond and Mark Manning, because it's a lesson in fandom and extremity and Louis de Bernieres' South American Trilogy because it's a great story brilliantly told.
Funnily enough, of all the serious, thick books I've read, the one that spoke to me and stayed with me was Scully by Alan Bleasdale. I was just turned 20, in a job I hated and what I really wanted to do for a living was nowhere near the horizon. Scully was very funny, working class and made me realise it was OK to dream about fitting in somewhere which was outside the realm of normal 9-5 jobs.
Zola - Germinal
Kafka - The Trial
Heller - Catch-22
Marx and Engels- Communist Manifesto
Trotsky - Revolution Betrayed and Permenant Revolution.
Lenin - Imperialism.The Highest Stage of Capitalism.

I think books are powerful and add to our understanding and interpretation of the world.
Catch 22 - I didnt know whether to add that, but its certainly a book I read intently first time.
Mein Kampf - Adolph Hitler.
I read this first as a teenager to attempt an understanding of the basis for Hilter`s National Socialism.
Alongside Milliband`s "The State in Capitalist Society" and Eric Hobsbaum`s "Industry and Empire", I gained an historical perspective and understanding of historical materialism.
Understanding tyranny, the quote by Heinrich Hein has stayed in my mind and a constant reminder of how the powerful willingly commit genocide to retain their control over humanity.
