Blocked Drains


New member

Anyone recommend a drainage company for a job in Acklam?
Daughter has an issue where the washer and dishwasher both not draining properly but the sinks appear to be ok?

Thanks in advance
Arrowflow, Jetaire,

There’s a group on Facebook which is all drainage / sewer related

join and tell them where you are and what you need you will get a few offers to come and have a look.

they are all genuinely good lads and call out cowboys for cr6p jobs and over charging etc.

Though after reading the rest of your post. Do the waste pipes from the washer and dishwasher connect into the same connection, if so probably a build of lime scale or food or if it’s a washer /dryer wet dust. Disconnect them and have a look down the pipe might just need to give it a scrub with a bottle brush or pour some drain unblocker down it.
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