Blo Jo - companies that have willingly given him a platform - definitive list?

What a load of baloney. My wife's biggest winge is that they never break down giving her an excuse to change them.

We do have some daft posts on here to prove a point. A lad yesterday said the top 1% earn more than the other 99%, utter rubbish but no one questioned it as it matched the agenda.

He didn't say that. You were right, but there's no reason to misquote him.

"The top 1% earn more than the other 99%".

Sounds like a FACT to me.

Misquoting someone to inadvertently prove them correct must be a new one for the board...
I guess you lot won't be going to the Boro matches anymore ? 👍
The Chairman is a supporter of the Conservative Party and it would surely be hypocritical if you went, wouldn't it ????
Thanks 👍
He supported Labour candidate Sue Jeffrey against Ben Houchen for Teesside mayor.

Dyson's products are overpriced shyte.
The Scullery Maid is impressed with your knowledge of household goods.

Could you give downstairs a hint where they can find better products and the savings they would make. Gertrude asked to make it easy for you by keeping it down to say 5 items.

Thanks again