Black MIDI anyone?


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Just discovered these guys, any keen followers? Finding it hard to compare them to anyone, which isn’t a bad thing. The drummer is pretty good isn’t he, I’ll probably pick up their albums over the coming weeks.
They do my head in a bit. Appreciate what they're up to but frequently find myself turning them off and muttering "nope, not in the right frame of mind to listen to this right now".
I've tried to like them...Ducktor was a great single but they go off on massive tangents towards Jazz for me. Bit like Black Country New Road. Squid were the better band before they joined WARP Records but they have sadly gone a similar way now.
If I had to guess what the
I've tried to like them...Ducktor was a great single but they go off on massive tangents towards Jazz for me. Bit like Black Country New Road. Squid were the better band before they joined WARP Records but they have sadly gone a similar way now.
I’m a Jazz fan, so anything Jazz related is up my street.
Black Midi are definitely an acquired taste. I find can listen to them sometimes and really enjoy their stuff, but other days it just feels too intense and I tune out. Black Country New Roads for me are a lot easier to digest (though they have their moments like Snow Globes for instance) but I thought 'Ants From Up Their' was fantastic and it remains one of - if not my favourite - release of 2022. Such a shame Issac left - though I understand his need to do so - I was really looking forward to seeing them live as a complete band. Squid have always been a bit hit and miss to me but everyone is different.
Love the first album but as others have said, I find their newer stuff less accessible and I kinda need to psyche myself up to listen to it. Nevertheless, best thing to come out of the BRIT School by miles!
Posted a few of their releases but I can't get into them myself. As said above I prefer Black Country New Roads and Squid but they have odd things I cannot get away with.

I prefer SLUG from Sunderland who live in the same district as some of these bands but are a bit more accessible. This is from their first album but their third (I think) comes out in January. Hoping to get to see them in February.

SLUG - Cockeyed Rabbit Wrapped in Plastic
