He’s running the club very poorly. It’s about time we brought Keith lamb back

Not a new user, just a new username. Boards full of gimps now, bring back Lisbon ledgend and pink ponce
Your use of the word gimps is interesting are you Docmartin from oneboro?
Recruitment is a group thing at the Club - we do seem to struggle with it a bit - its certainly didn't feel co-ordinated in the past say when Warnock was in charge there would be a Warnock signing then someone that certainly was not a Warnock signing the same with Karanaka in fact my gut feeling was he walked out after the Rhodes signing.
we brought in 3 keepers this summer so something or someone at the club is really working very hard to satisfy the laws stupidity.
3 keepers is criminal when we’re struggling with senior pros. I don’t think they’re all pulling in the same direction. The past two managers have alluded to it, why isn’t he ever held accountable. Archer and Ramsey were brought in by danksy a coach not the recruitment team. BAUSER is a clown who needs chasing