As a child, what film scared the **** out of you.

Amazing. Never knew the polital aspect of "Over the rainbow" .
I have a copy of Gulliver's travels presented to my grandfather in the 1930s where he's written notes on political referances in the margins. ( From the Durham Miners)Not bad for a boy only educated upto 13
My wife bought the book for our daughter and I read it whilst in India, it's awful as a book, but clearly it was symbolic. That doesn't come over in the movie.
Early 70s (I must have been about 8 - I'd never have allowed my kids to watch this) we watched a series called Menace, a series of stand-alone plays set in the UK. One particular episode gave me nightmares for ages afterwards - Boys & Girls Come Out To Play. Horrific stuff!
I've just mentioned this one further up. Frightened the life out of me. :oops:
Cameron's Closet was a film in the 80"s i was **** scared. Also a mention to Lou Ferigno when he turned into the Hulk on a saturday afternoon hid behing me dads chair.
Weirdly, I remember Home Alone scared me. I remember hiding behind the sofa when I knew a scene involving old man Marley was about to come on.

The Sixth Sense also freaked me out big style.
In the late 60's there was a spate of Hitchcock films on TV. Watching The Birds and Psycho as a 9 year old was terrifying. And irresponsible parenting. I've forgiven them since.
I don't really remember being scared of any films as a kid. Our parents were pretty strict with that stuff so I probably didn't see much scary stuff.
Weirdly though I do remember being terrified by an episode of Bergerac. A quick bit of googling does suggest that there was a pretty sinister episode so maybe not as daft as it sounds.
The Amityville Horror scared me as a child, because it was supposedly based on true events. In my twenties, the Blair Witch Project terrified me. I stopped watching horror films after that.
I used to be scared by a song by
David Essex - 'Window'. My older sister played it all the time because she knew it freaked me out. Especially the bit at the end.
I think it was the B-Side of 'I wanna make you a star'
A James mason film, all I can remember now is something about a well, an old wheelchair that moved on its own ..

james mason, fantastic actor with a great talking voice 👍🏻
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I’d have to say Jaws — just waiting in the queue of Odeon cinema in anticipation was enough to scare you. I remember so well people saying “have you seen it yet?” “Oh you’re going to be so scared— there’s blood everywhere!!!” — “and make sure you close your eyes at the point where he dives down to the boat — it’s so scary!!” However when I got in and settled in it wasn’t that bad — although all the girls screamed like hell!! Fun times.
The child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang put the absolute heeby jeebies up me, but that was when I was very young, I can’t have been more than 23
Same. When I moved in with my mate in my mid twenties she would sometimes walk past my bedroom door whispering "lollipops"! I still can't watch him now and I'm bloody 47 😫😫😫😫