Alone, a country can be a speedboat, while the EU is more like a tanker,

ah the speedboat. The most effective way to throw away a huge sum of money to appear better than your fellow man, whilst offering very little in the way of any usefulness whatsoever.

maybe the metaphor is related to the average untrained yahoo who drives a speedboat, crashing around banging randomly into stuff blindly and being a danger to themselves and anyone in the vicinity, as opposed to a tanker who has trained, capable licensed professionals in charge who know what they are doing and the course they have plotted?
A large part of it is due to the closure of restaurants and many shops across Europe. Can’t sell products people don’t need
Doesn't make any sense. Why wasn't this the case during the pandemic last year prior to the end of the transition period.
(Damn it I've come on a brexit thread, promised myself I'd give them a miss 😬 )
Well don’t keep it a secret Bear, spit it out ;-)
If a container has 20 shipments and one company gets the paperwork wrong, everyone's shipment is delayed so the risk is too great.

For imports, there are no checks (shhh . . . don't tell the criminals and people traffickers).

Hence, the lorries are going back empty.
We don't need to clutch at straws UVDL is doing a brilliant job on her own. She needs to stop digging
Two months to implement quarantine after the emergence of the SA variant. Sounds like the speedboat has sunk as soon as it's entered rough waters.