Alcohol deaths up 16% in 2020


Well-known member

Obviously nothing to do with the pandemic whatsoever. Lock people in their homes for a year as their lives crumble and then wonder why they drink themselves to death. Yet still we don’t acknowledge the cost. Pretty sure the government won’t ever talk about this statistic or produce a bar chart.

I’ve done my bit to protect the NHS so I think I’m entitled to a free liver when I get older 👍
Who doesn't?

Good luck finding a decent second hand liver round here.

The government. I want to see data and spreadsheets for suicide, mental health referrals, self harm, alcohol deaths. We can instantly say categorically that someone died of covid even though they died in a car crash 28 days after testing positive and not question it but we can’t say right away that a guy hanging from a rope killed himself. We are a year into this and still the government won’t talk about this or even acknowledge it. I want to see ministers stand there at the briefings and talk about this but it’s too inconvenient for them to.
Alcohol had probably been killing them for decades before this happened, the same as smoking, they both knocked years off my life I bet, and I'm only late 30's.
The thing is, of all the years, this last one has been bar far the least amount I've ever drunk in my adult life (and also a few years before I was an adult). This year I've drank about 3% of my next lowest year, and that includes years when I've been in the gulf for 4 month (where booze was banned). Not smoked at all either, and that's me stopping that for good I think. For a lot of people this will have been a bit of a health kick.

But, even at 5,460 deaths in 9 months, that's 7,300 for the year, which would have been around 6,275 before the 16% increase.

So, the deaths are up about 1000 for the year, but I also bet a large portion of those are from depression of people losing loved ones, or them being in hospital in a bad way, I would be surprised if the lockdowns were responsible for more than 2/3 of that increase.

The stats support banning booze more than they do banning lockdowns, as the lockdowns have been there due to the 100k covid deaths.

There will be other things like this that will add up, but none of them compare to or will ever add up to what happened last April, when we were having double the deaths we were meant to be having, and that was nothing to do with booze, car crashes or suicides.
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We can instantly say categorically that someone died of covid even though they died in a car crash 28 days after testing positive and not question it but we can’t say right away that a guy hanging from a rope killed himself.

Sorry but that's conspiracy theorist bollox. I'm all for challenging the government and definitely for highlighting and pushing for other impacts of lockdowns to be tackled.

But spreading nonsense like that doesn't help anyone.
I want to see data and spreadsheets for suicide, mental health referrals, self harm, alcohol deaths.
That data is there (hence they are able to say that such deaths hit a record high)

There is a balance to be struck. Obviously any death is a family devastated and we all have a responsibility to maintain social contact with friends, colleagues and family as best we can. The problem has to be looked at dispassionately and mathematically so that deaths from COVID and all other causes are minimised. The more we allow "normal" social contact the more the virus is transmitted but perhaps people's mental health is improved and some lives are saved. I hope they choose wisely.

I wish I could be confident that they will.
I've drank a lot less, hate drinking in the house, makes me feel bloated and just isn't enjoyable.
My booze collection has increased massively as I've just not drank next to anything, and just accumulated bottles along the year as presents, gifts from clients and good offers etc.

The only thing I can recall drinking is a crate of Barnard Castle Eye Test, but that was over the whole of summer!

I don't mind drinking in the house, but it needs to have a purpose, as in a party, or poker night, or before going out. I've zero interest in just having a few cans in front of the TV.

I've got an addictive personality and certainly a binge drinker/ all or nothing type person, so this year has been weird, but I've noticed that seeing people in groups is certainly the catalyst for nearly everything bad I do to myself (although it is fun/ worth it).

I think there's going to be one hell of a summer booze up coming though, the pubs are going to be rammed (assuming the vaccine is a success), and as much as I'm for lockdowns I just don't see it going on for another summer.
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Don't like beer or lager in the house.
But do enjoy a 'short'.
Bit weird as when out I'll always have a pint and never touch spirits.

Think this might be an age thing? Never touched spirits before my forties.
I have actually drank considerably less since the first lockdown. I don't drink inside so with no pubs or football I'm hardly drinking anything.

It's more social for me. I just don't enjoy sitting in and boozing. That said large bags of Doritos and dips have home through the roof😂
Bit weird as when out I'll always have a pint and never touch spirits.
With me thats more down to price and size of the measures in pubs. Not big enough for a mouthful. Now, my measures at home .... 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃o_O

I have actually drank considerably less since the first lockdown. I don't drink inside so with no pubs or football I'm hardly drinking anything.
The other way round with me. Probably because of Christmas. I've just kept going.
The government. I want to see data and spreadsheets for suicide, mental health referrals, self harm, alcohol deaths. We can instantly say categorically that someone died of covid even though they died in a car crash 28 days after testing positive and not question it but we can’t say right away that a guy hanging from a rope killed himself. We are a year into this and still the government won’t talk about this or even acknowledge it. I want to see ministers stand there at the briefings and talk about this but it’s too inconvenient for them to.
I drank two bottles of wine last night in an attempt to forget what a ghastly existence this is at the moment. I wfh so never see anyone, I can’t cope when anything goes wrong ( yesterday my glasses broke and my car wouldn’t start). More problems ti go along with the dirty damp ridden freezing cold house I live in that I can’t afford to move from. I’d be better off dead. Sadly I’ve just woke up. I didn’t want to.
Mental health is being ignored. Stinks. But that’s what you get when you imprison otherwise healthy people in their own homes.

Oh and I don’t think I’m a conspiracy theorist I’m just very very depressed.