Actors in an earlier role you just didn't recognise

I Clavdivs is a spotters paradise when it comes to the cream of British character acting. Including Patrick 'Picard' Stewart, Bernard 'Yosser' Hill, Chris 'Biggins' Biggins. And of course Norman Eshley out of George and Mildred.
And also Guy Siner aka lieutenant Gruber. He also turns up 20 years later in a Seinfeld episode. His little tank is nowhere to be seen alas.

Clavdivs is also notable for having a considerably more hairy Patrick Stewart and a considerably less hairy Brian Blessed.
In Auf Wiedersehen Pet (series one) Private lives episode

The chambermaid who brings the drinks to Dennis and Dagmars hotel room is Jenny Eclair
Speaking of Bomber (Pat Roach), it was only a few years ago when I found out he was in Indiana Jones. Played the German hardman in this iconic scene...

Pat Roach was in the first 3 Indiana Jones movies (which is a class claim to fame). He's the German hardman/mechanic as well as a big Sherpa in Raiders, Chief guard in the Temple Of Doom, then a Gestapo agent in the Last Crusade.Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 20.41.27.png
Andrew Scott as a GI in Band of Brothers

Only spotted him when I watched it a second time, he's only in one episode before stepping on a landmine (I guess first time around he wasn't well known?)
Band of Brothers not only ace but was full of young actors who'd go onto great things, some were already known (Stephen Graham, Simon Pegg, Dexter Fletcher) but it was pretty much the first big series for Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, Colin Hanks, James McAvoy,

It was a good many years after having seen Stand By Me that I realised this actor who I’d seen in a few things was the person who played Vern Tessio.

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Maybe an odd one, but Samuel L Jackson in Jurassic Park. Not necessarily physically, although even then kind of, but I feel like he's mostly spent his career basically playing some version of himself and just being "cool", and in Jurassic Park he's just playing some IT guy that's so far removed from himself that I always forget it's him for a moment.

Also manages to speak basically without opening his mouth and somehow not letting that cigarette fall out at the start here, impressive.

Speaking of Benidorm, Kenny Ireland who played Donald was also the reporter in the 2nd series of Auf Weidersehen Pet in Spain.

One of the Fratelli brothers in The Goonies, later went on to play (amongst of roles) Cypher in The Matrix.
It was his voice in the aforementioned that was making me try to join the connection.

Jo Pantoliano