68 Comeback special


Well-known member
Never been an Elvis fan, but seen this several times over the years and always think it’s quality. I’m sure there’s a section later that inspired the MTV unplugged series.

Im only saying this on a mes board where I assume I’m totally anonymous 😁😁😳
I'm in complete agreement with you. Have said for years that I never really 'got' Elvis until I saw the 68 special. There was just something.....sounds funny when you say it, but he looked f**king dangerous! He looked fantastic, like a proper rock star should look. Remember seeing it years ago and going "Ah, now I get it!"
I'm in complete agreement with you. Have said for years that I never really 'got' Elvis until I saw the 68 special. There was just something.....sounds funny when you say it, but he looked f**king dangerous! He looked fantastic, like a proper rock star should look. Remember seeing it years ago and going "Ah, now I get it!"
At some point he sits around in a pit and plays mostly acoustic versions. So ahead of its time. And you’re spot on with ‘dangerous’. I still wouldn’t admit to liking him though 😂😂