Your favourite European people and why.

I am going to sound like a complete hypocrite here but Irish. Particularly Northern Irish, I know that's cheating.

In some ways they are very similar to the Spanish, they can say a phrase you think you get, then you realise you have been duped.
Had wonderful experiences with Irish, Greek, Dutch and German people. French also, though not Parisians, who seem to carry a similar - if slightly more pronounced - air of superiority as Londoners.
Never met a grumpy one.
Always happy, so laid back, beautiful woman, and fiddling their taxes is a national hobby 😁
Fully agree.
My wife and I have spent a lot of time throughout mainland Greece and many Islands, probably about a year in total.
Never once have I had a bad experience with any local and only good ones.
We may have been lucky due to the fact that when they asked where did we come from and we replied with Australia,
their response was always similar and replied to us " Oh Australia, my sister, Melbourne " etc and more often than not,
they would join us when the restaurant had slowed down somewhat and plied us with many free drinks of Ouzo or Retsina
and chatted with us for hours.

As far as the taxes go, we were making our way back to England to sell our Kombi van and were on a ferry to Brindisi and
I had noticed so many Mercedes cars were driving on to the ferry which was a bit unusual as mostly on the ferries it was
predominantly trucks carting food etc.

Whilst we were sitting on deck with about eight backpackers having a beer, a Greek man strolled up to us and asked if he
could join us. He asked us where we were all going and so I told him our story and asked him the same.
Switzerland was his reply.
It was only mid November and thinking to myself that it was a bit early for skiing but said to him " are you going skiing?
No skiing f**king, Bank f**king, all people here going bank f**king.

It then dawned on me that it was now the end of the tourist season and all the summer takings was indeed inside all
those Mercedes. 🤣
I am going to sound like a complete hypocrite here but Irish. Particularly Northern Irish, I know that's cheating.

In some ways they are very similar to the Spanish, they can say a phrase you think you get, then you realise you have been duped.
I once didn't make a mate from Derry at Uni a tea because he said he was "just after having one".
Greek mainlanders drive me a nuts

Greek islanders (specifically Corfu) are fantastic and never had a bad word to say against any of the ones I have met. They are still very grateful for our efforts during the war ( to the point most of the baby boomers are called George)

also the Dutch… the phase crazy Dutch b*stands is never a truer phase said. Most are as mad as a box of frogs and all seem to have the same dry, witty and completely bonkers sense of humour to the point that you never know if they are telling you the truth or not.

but I think they are fantastic…. Not quite sure what that says about me like
Greek mainlanders drive me a nuts

Greek islanders (specifically Corfu) are fantastic and never had a bad word to say against any of the ones I have met. They are still very grateful for our efforts during the war ( to the point most of the baby boomers are called George)

also the Dutch… the phase crazy Dutch b*stands is never a truer phase said. Most are as mad as a box of frogs and all seem to have the same dry, witty and completely bonkers sense of humour to the point that you never know if they are telling you the truth or not.

but I think they are fantastic…. Not quite sure what that says about me like
( to the point most of the baby boomers are called George )
How true is that. I must have worked with hundreds over the years here in Oz and seems like Yorgos is the most popular name.
I’m a big fan of Europe, full of great people, cultures, cuisines etc. But I’ve spent many years amongst Russians and Russian speakers so I’m biased, they live up to their stereotypes yet completely confound them, great welcoming people with a streak of utter bonkersness (if it’s not a word it should be), their government is not representative of who they really are… слава России и Великобритании!
Big fan of the Danes myself. And not just the 'Great' ones (who seem to resemble really big dogs for some reason). The rubbish Danes that I've met were really nice people too. Got a bit of a soft spot for the Czechs and the Estonians as well.
Never met a German I didn't get on with.

Also very much like the Finnish people I've met but sadly don't know enough of them to form an opinion