What a kind and caring country have we become?

BaronSmogie, my issue is that I am beginning to believe that we have, collectively, got exactly what we deserve. If that is true, and I am coming to that conclusion, what's left to save, what's left to fight for. We may end up cutting of the arm to.. well save the arm.

Collectively, yes we did. But that doesn't mean this is the status quo. Hell dude, I voted for Brexit. I don't regret the decision, but I regret where we are now and with the wonderful benefit of hindsight, I'd have voted remain only because of the ineptness of BJ, Gove and the others to actually behave like grown ups and do whats best for us all.

We are where we are, so now all we can do is try to be smarter than the people that govern us. Government may set laws, but there is no law saying I have to buy their bullschit about immigration, hating people of a different colour, blaming the asian family down the road for me not having a job or the polish strawberry pickers keeping Britain from regaining sovereignty. Its all utter schite. Just be the person you want to be and how you want others to perceive you. Don't engage in Daily Mail biases, just be nice, welcoming and kind. Its that bloody simple to begin with, ignore the media, be nice and do what in your heart seems right.