Video to Memory stuck


Well-known member
Got married in 1986 and had the wedding videoed. Can you get it swapped to a memory stick or will it be too old.
Got married in 1986 and had the wedding videoed. Can you get it swapped to a memory stick or will it be too old.
We got married in 86 too & videoed, there was a store in Tesco that converted the video to disc for me, £25
Also got married in 1986. Defied the wife's family and outright BANNED any videoing taking place. I suspect that the album with wedding photos went in the bin a few years back. All I've got left from the wedding is the missus, that's enough. :rolleyes::giggle:
Getting married is for mugs. Much prefer being free to do whatever (and whoever) I want whenever I feel like it. No messy divorces to deal with if you stay single either. And I've got the dog to keep me company if I'm ever feeling lonely. Not in any kind of mucky way obviously. He's my best mate but we are just friends.