Well-known member
He's obviously slipped through the net.
Gone soon hopefully
Gone soon hopefully
He's obviously slipped through the net.
Gone soon hopefully
Simmer down kid and have a large class of Sauvignon blanc
You getting bored only a week into the school holidays ?Sober as a judge kidda
You've obvs been drinking Rifle.....You have a problem, get some help kidSober as a judge kidda
He's going to be embarrassed in the morning when he sobers up, that's for sure.....Hope he’s gone soon. I’ve just joined but have put off posting so I don’t look like Im one of these rubbish characters.
Thanks, I’ll bare that in mind and improve just for you.He's going to be embarrassed in the morning when he sobers up, that's for sure.....
PS Good effort 1/10
BustedDouble bluff from Easterside Rifle?
Joined board 9 days ago and already posted 75 messages!Sad when your whole life revolves around trolling message boards.