The Revillos/Kid Krupa

loved the Rezillos cause they do good sculptures yeah.
Remember seeing them at the Rock Garden probably 40 years ago (where the fug did that time go), but can't recall now who/if they were supporting
Also saw them at the RG as the Revillos as well I'm sure
Here in NZ National Radio has a theme on it's Friday night show and people talk about how the theme relates to them and often request a song.
A few years ago it was to celebrate the moon landings and I got the host to play Flying Saucer Attack. Made my day that.
Rezillos still tour, with Fay & Eugene, cracking band

The film is about Kid Krupa, guitarist with the Revillos (subtle 'v') and his life and times, playing with great bands, sessioning with the stars and generally what a rock and roll lifestyle was back in the mid eighties for a kid from York
I remember Basczax supporting them once (All wearing Kimonos). I think it was their first gig.

Warsaw (Joy Division) had supported them a few months earlier. Ex fmttm regular Kingy’s band were on the bill as well. Didn’t go to that one though.