Sunak's deprived childhood

Hate to be a pedant but that's a digibox dish. We really need a high Def close up of the wall to see if the plugs are still there from the old analogue dish that Rishi DEFINITELY WOULDN'T HAVE HAD back in the early 90's.

Honestly I thought I had it bad scraping the ice off the inside of the single glazed ally framed windows, we also had no central heating (not that we could have afforded to run it anyway) but at least I got to go to my cousin's every week to watch the Simpsons on my uncles dodgy sky box.
We were exactly the same in our first house on Staintondale Ave in Dormo. Now we have double glazing but can't afford to put the central heating on........................progress eh!
We were exactly the same in our first house on Staintondale Ave in Dormo. Now we have double glazing but can't afford to put the central heating on........................progress eh!

Yeah, I'm the same age as Sunak and as a kid lived in the closes on the lakes estate before they started redeveloping them.

I'm doing alright now but I see my grown up kids struggling with Mortgage, rent and other bills, we help out a bit but I can't help but think that properly funded, council owned, social housing like we had would make things easier as private landlords take the absolute **** and the 'starter' family home my daughter bought is a state (a remnant from another private landlords who had quite a few dodgy tenants over the years, according to the neighbours)

This country is a mess and the buck stops with the people who have been in charge for the last 14 years.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer to rely on an MP who will benefit me in some form or other, not who can relate to my poor background and upbringing. It's like the old do you know how much a pint of milk is!? . It just doesn't matter.

Democracy trully is knackered. We now have Gen Z who will place votes on their favourite memes.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer to rely on an MP who will benefit me in some form or other, not who can relate to my poor background and upbringing. It's like the old do you know how much a pint of milk is!? . It just doesn't matter.

Democracy trully is knackered. We now have Gen Z who will place votes on their favourite memes.
Good leaders and representatives need to have empathy 👍
Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer to rely on an MP who will benefit me in some form or other, not who can relate to my poor background and upbringing. It's like the old do you know how much a pint of milk is!? . It just doesn't matter.

Democracy trully is knackered. We now have Gen Z who will place votes on their favourite memes.
The point isn't that they can only be taken seriously if they were poor. The point is that they need to understand what they are governing. How can justify their actions/decisions if they don't understand how they will impact people's lives. Some of them have had no interaction with those people. They were brought up wealthy, went to private school, went to Oxbridge, work in hedge funds and banks and socialised only with other wealthy people. They have no context for how the decisions they make will affect people. They talk about putting £X back in people's pockets etc but if they have no knowledge of whether that can even cover the basics then it is meaningless. They are always banging on about the difficult decisions they have had to make but they weren't difficult. They were easy decisions that will impact people they don't care about or won't even come across in their day to day lives. Importantly though, politicians know they will be asked these sort of questions all the time so they should be prepared for them. It just shows either blatant incompetence because they've failed to prepare or outright contempt because they don't care enough to prepare.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer to rely on an MP who will benefit me in some form or other, not who can relate to my poor background and upbringing.
Tell me you vote blue without telling me you'll vote blue. "What's in it for me"?

I think a "Leader" should be able to empathise with the people he is representing, don't you? I don't expect him to have lived my life but I do expect respect rather than glib one line answers that are actually not only risible but borderline insulting.
Tell me you vote blue without telling me you'll vote blue. "What's in it for me"?

I think a "Leader" should be able to empathise with the people he is representing, don't you? I don't expect him to have lived my life but I do expect respect rather than glib one line answers that are actually not only risible but borderline insulting.
When was the last time we had a leader like that, it's got to be before Blair. You must be going back to the Ian Callaghan or Harold Wilson era.
Tell me you vote blue without telling me you'll vote blue. "What's in it for me"?

I think a "Leader" should be able to empathise with the people he is representing, don't you? I don't expect him to have lived my life but I do expect respect rather than glib one line answers that are actually not only risible but borderline insulting.

I've never voted Tory in my life, I just don't get caught up in the hysterical nonsense surrounding these GEs nowadays.

Surely everybody should vote with the mindset of whats in it for me? I don't vote for the party who are going to better others. That is exactly why democracy exists in the UK, to have your personal say.
I've never voted Tory in my life, I just don't get caught up in the hysterical nonsense surrounding these GEs nowadays.

Surely everybody should vote with the mindset of whats in it for me? I don't vote for the party who are going to better others. That is exactly why democracy exists in the UK, to have your personal say.
At last someone who can be honest that they don't mind someone get a good kicking as long as they don't get their shoes dirty.