Statins-im on them whats others experience

Been on Bisoprolol, Apixaban and Amitripyline for more than a year now. The latter of those make me sleep like a top.
Don’t worry about demise. The older you get the more complaints hit you. Who wants to be doddering about if you eventually reach 100 ?
Been on Bisoprolol, Apixaban and Amitripyline for more than a year now. The latter of those make me sleep like a top.
Don’t worry about demise. The older you get the more complaints hit you. Who wants to be doddering about if you eventually reach 100 ?
That's a good point. My grandmother hit 99, but barely knew who she was for the last 12 years.
Fortunately the men in the family are lucky if they reach mid 70's so I shouldn't have that problem.
It's interesting to recognize that both the issue of medications related to BP / Cholesterol, etc are related to the heart and related conditions. There is no harm in discussing both, as people don't always find it easy to discuss openly.
I used to get really bad cramps(mainly at night) and they were sometimes as bad as a muscle tear that I could still feel a week later. Started taking 350mg magnesium at bed time. I would say in last 4 year I have had only mild cramp about 3-4 times and never the severe ones I got before. Told two female friends who also suffer and they both take them and it has solved their cramp issues.
Cheers that's very helpful
Anyone had their dosage changed recently? I had a heartattack at 41 (13 years ago) and was put on 80mg Atorvastatin, After about 3 years the pharmacist told me dosage guidelines had changed and it was halved to 40mg. After my last test my chlorestrol was 3.5 (I've never had high cholesterol). The pharmacist told me new guidelines were to have chlorestrol below 2.5 and wanted to double my dose back to 80. I resisted and we agreed on 60mg and I'm awaiting a new blood test. In the meantime I've had a few aches and pains particularly in my hamstrings and I'm wondering if it's related to the increased dose.