Silvera to Pompey on loan

Good move hopefully he gets plenty of game time and shows what he's capable of.
If McGree signs a new deal, Burgzorg could be the back up. We've generally operated on 7 players for 3 positions behind the striker with a bit of fluidity.


Probably 1 more to come in and maybe 2 of Gilbert leaves. Could be loans though.
If McGree signs a new deal, Burgzorg could be the back up. We've generally operated on 7 players for 3 positions behind the striker with a bit of fluidity.


Probably 1 more to come in and maybe 2 of Gilbert leaves. Could be loans though.
Burgzorg is an interesting one really. I'd imagine he's been signed to cover for two positions - left wing and striker.

I think ideally we should be looking to sign another player who can play wide left and as a 10. Gilbert showed some promise with his performances in the final games of last season but I feel I still haven't seen enough of him to be able to make a true judgement, and feels like it could go either way with Burgzorg due to reports of him having an attitude problem and being ball-greedy.

Ideally it would be great if we could dip into the loan market and pull another Aaron Ramsey out of the bag.
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Hope he gets lots of game time. Id have thought a League 1 club where he plays every match and gets loads of confidence would have been a better move but hey ho.
Wont do him any harm.
Good luck to the lad.
Going to be an interesting season for Pompey after such a long time away from the Championship since 2012 !
It's a weird one because Burgzorg's played most of his games over the last two full seasons as a striker.

It would make more sense for Burgzorg to be our backup striker, and we're bringing in a Silvera replacement to be the backup to McGree, otherwise we're still 1 player short.
It's a weird one because Burgzorg's played most of his games over the last two full seasons as a striker.

It would make more sense for Burgzorg to be our backup striker, and we're bringing in a Silvera replacement to be the backup to McGree, otherwise we're still 1 player short.

From those that played 'in the three' for us last season, we have lost....

Rogers, 33 appearances (1841 minutes), 7 goals & 9 assists
Crooks, 31 appearances (1837 minutes), 5 goals & 6 assists
Greenwood, 40 appearances (2317 minutes), 5 goals & 3 assists
Silvera, 42 appearances (1725 minutes), 6 goals & 3 assists

We are also rumoured to be losing...
McGree, 25 appearances (1353 minutes), 6 goals & 3 assists.

From those that we assume will definitely still be here we have.......
Jones, 41 appearances (3063 minutes), 9 goals & 5 assists
Forss, 23 appearances (1234 minutes), 7 goals & 2 assists - it has been said already he's not fit.
Azaz, 20 appearances (1361 minutes), 4 goals & 5 assists

And from a punt who barely got a sniff when we had a terrible injury crisis for most of the season....
Gilbert,15 appearances (251 minutes), 1 goal & 3 assists

Burgzorg got pretty good numbers considering the team he played in, the management changes and rumoured friction behind the scenes, but as you say played up top quite often.
Burgzorg, 33 appearances (2209 minutes), 7 goals & 2 assists

I definitely think we need another winger and a no 10 to cover us (if Bergzorg is the covering striker not 'the Greenwood'), no point signing players to make up the numbers though, they need to be a step up in quality. If Bergzorg and McGree are the left options, then we need a 10 and a striker.

Chuba and Archer would be ideal! Dig deep Gibbo 💪 .
From those that played 'in the three' for us last season, we have lost....

Rogers, 33 appearances (1841 minutes), 7 goals & 9 assists
Crooks, 31 appearances (1837 minutes), 5 goals & 6 assists
Greenwood, 40 appearances (2317 minutes), 5 goals & 3 assists
Silvera, 42 appearances (1725 minutes), 6 goals & 3 assists

We are also rumoured to be losing...
McGree, 25 appearances (1353 minutes), 6 goals & 3 assists.

From those that we assume will definitely still be here we have.......
Jones, 41 appearances (3063 minutes), 9 goals & 5 assists
Forss, 23 appearances (1234 minutes), 7 goals & 2 assists - it has been said already he's not fit.
Azaz, 20 appearances (1361 minutes), 4 goals & 5 assists

And from a punt who barely got a sniff when we had a terrible injury crisis for most of the season....
Gilbert,15 appearances (251 minutes), 1 goal & 3 assists

Burgzorg got pretty good numbers considering the team he played in, the management changes and rumoured friction behind the scenes, but as you say played up top quite often.
Burgzorg, 33 appearances (2209 minutes), 7 goals & 2 assists

I definitely think we need another winger and a no 10 to cover us (if Bergzorg is the covering striker not 'the Greenwood'), no point signing players to make up the numbers though, they need to be a step up in quality. If Bergzorg and McGree are the left options, then we need a 10 and a striker.

Chuba and Archer would be ideal! Dig deep Gibbo 💪 .

It would be interesting to know how many of those minutes "in the three" were actually "in the three" vs. as a make shift striker when ELL was injured.

Greenwood, Silvera and Rogers all played as a ST at some point last season, maybe Crooks and Forss too, so the minutes lost "in the three" is probably a lot less than those stats.

RW - Jones/Forss - we can assume no minutes lost this season vs. last.
10 - Azaz we now know was Roger's replacement. Crooks minutes as a 10 can probably be replaced by Gilbert.
LW - McGree will hopefully play more this season vs. last (if he stays), but losing Silvera takes away the cover (unless Burgzorg is that player).

All opinion - but I think it's "the Greenwood" that we're missing - a player who's primary position is LW but can also cover as a make shift striker/10 if needed.