Sheep shagger spotting

Borasco Borrego the Portuguese branch, see if you can spot some of their fans carrying a Piri piri chicken sandwich!
A flock of 20-30 noisy lambs bleating 'England' and baa baaing about Rosenoir herding up the stairs at London Bridge underground @1220, with a few older rams looking sheepish just behind them.
You are right but unfortunately for my moral upstanding I don't care, I understand why this may have hit a nerve from your username, so my apologies for any offence but I am solely thinking about Derby in this instance and take no pleasure if other groups are targeted with this childish name however unfortunately I do find calling Derby this name quite amusing so maybe I do have a mentality of a very badly bought up six year old.
You don't have to worry about us being called lion bummers the Makems, Geordies and Leeds have that already covered.