Saw Blobs Of Cheese Monday !!!


Active member
Hadn't seen him for a while. Got one of those disabled scooters now and it's certainly opened new doors for him. Zooming about.

Just to explain, for those of you who don't know what the hell I'm on about, I will go into a bit of detail.

A few Christmases ago I was in the BS (betting shop) was it Boxing Day? I can't remember.

Anyway he was pouring his heart out to the girls behind the counter.

They had turkey and all the trimmings, Christmas pud.

He then explained that he had got cheese and rolled it up into small blobs and submerged them into boiling water then when fully cooked scooped them out and served immediately.

I was doing a bit of earwigging, that is how I am aware of this.

Of course this sad tale reduced me to tears.

So there you go. Now you know the full story when I mention him in the future!