No, that's the point, them running themselves could largely the problem. If something is being badly and inefficiently ran then it doesn't matter how much money you throw at it. You shouldn't throw money at something being ran poorly, you should fix why it's being ran poorly and then decide where the money needs to be spent.
But the government should also take a big hit, they're the top of that pile of managers. Take covid for example, they chucked a load of money at that, more than any other EU country but chucked it in the wrong places, that still needs to be paid for. I think local NHS were buying in PPE themselves too from unknown sources, which they were seemingly not qualified to do but went for the anything is better than nothing approach (understandable, but preventable), which is why my mum had a duff mask and a bin liner to treat people on the covid ward etc.
Like you said, if the government were not making decisions then who were those telling them to get rid of the admin staff, that will have been the idea of whoever analysed this poorly, upper management or possibly them implementing this poorly. It's the same as sacking all the ground staff and leaving only the supervisors, it will collapse from the bottom up, as there is no lower level support.
Yes, admin is legally required, but who makes those laws, government, we can change those how we see fit. I see the same dealing with councils or anything for that matter and I've dealt with all the public services when they're clueless clients. That includes hospital sites where they just blow cash all over the place in bad organisation, time management, over-spec in areas which don't need to be, and under-spec in areas which do. Then they do daft crap like getting in terrible companies like interserve to be their PC, it's nuts. We worked on the James Cook refurb and it was like a circus, in the end we pulled out half way through as interserve were going broke.
It's the same in my other fields too with construction, it's the law to need a 200 page report and blow 30k on nothing to put a pipe across an A-Road, all it does is burn cash for no gain, and it gets dressed up as "health and safety", it's not, it's bloat. HS2 was littered with it, which is why the budget went through the roof. There are easier ways to do things cheaper and quicker, which achieve 95% of the original aims. I'm not talking about not taking patient notes, and booking in patients, but I'll bet my life it's not being done efficiently. Same with rota's, that's been computerised and automated in many other sectors for a decade, and even before AI came in. I'm talking about the thousands of meetings higher up the chain that I'll bet my life exist, it's the same in anything public or private sector. The UK is one of the least efficient/ least productive nations on the entire planet, because we largely tie ourselves in knots or put people into managerial positions who are terrible managers, and they only get there due to time, not ability. It's a bit like the forces too, where good lads end up waiting too long for promotion, so they can promote all the longer term idiots first.
Yeah I get the not enough managers thing, but why is that? Are the roles not there or do people not want to do them?
You're never going to get the best people unless you pay them well enough, they will just do something else, then it will just leave less managers and all those left will be the incapable, or those willing to self sacrifice themselves in a burning building.
I get that you say there are not enough managers, and there are not enough admin as we got rid of those, but if that's the case where is the money being spent as we don't have the bed numbers, doctors or nurses we should have for the money we're spending. The money has to be going somewhere?
100% definitely should not be having key staff doing non key roles, loads of companies struggle with this too, as the management and middle managers don't trust their lower level staff to do it or don't get the staff to delegate too. You end up with £100/hr staff being tied in knots doing crap like expenses, filling in milage forms or whatever.
What role do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
There must have been some things in your line of work which you've spotted are horrendous, have you flagged these up the chain? What are your managers and their managers like (as managers, not as people).
Yeah, Blair funded what the Tories neglected, and then the Tories under funded it again. The thing is Labour could grow the economy and had lower debt then (30-40% GDP, it's now 100%), so it was a much easier task then. Now we're crippled with debt and don't have growth to bail us out (growth bails out debt), and can't get rapid growth outside the EU. We can't go back inside the EU or Labour would get voted out again and then the NHS gets raped again. It's all one horrible catch 22, there's no easy fix. It's going to be a long term gradual grind, to get better, but if Labour get voted out again it will all get much worse.
It's easy to say invest more, but from where, and which way which does not guarantee a tory/ reform win next time around? We're already at 100% debt GDP, and GDP is not going to go up rapidly in these economic conditions, to reduce that % figure. With a 2.5tn GDP, we're going to be spending ~£125bn in interest payments this year, that's 3/4 of a whole years NHS budget.
100% about the population going up and being top heavy, but we can't prioritise the old at the expense of the you either as they will just have less and less kids, like they are doing, which makes it worse and worse. We need a **** load more young people to balance this all out again, and as we don't we have our own, we need to be importing people. Problems is 50% of the UK hates immigration, and it's largely the older half who should want immigrants more than anyone.
Sorry about that being so long!