One in five Britons aged 18-45 prefer unelected leaders to democracy - poll finds

The cowardice of the centrists in ham-stringing the left and failing to push back on the neo-liberals over the past 40 years has lead to this. The neo-libs are now so in control that they can openly push their oligarch agenda, disdain of democracy and rule of law.
Or to put it another way 1 in 5 are F***ing morons.

The obvious follow up question, seemingly not asked is "even if that leader is someone who holds fundamentally different beliefs to yourself?" suspect the number would plummet if they were truly honest with themselves.

I'd be willing to bet they all imagine this "strong" dictator to be someone they admire and agree with. Such is the dearth of critical thinking amongst large parts of the electorate.
‘Democracy’ where your vote might not count.. and if it does.. chances are that your gonna have a guy with family money, an Oxfordshire university education in ‘the classics’ who’s ‘life experience’ consists of burning £50 notes in front of the homeless, smashing up restaurants, F***ing pigs heads and spunking on biscuits for their even dozier pals.

They have a jolly good time apeing article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.. prorogue parliament in a move reminiscent of the Reichstag fire.. silly waves and scruffy hair., doing everything and anything apart from the job for which they were voted in to do!

Apathy and then some.
The cowardice of the centrists in ham-stringing the left and failing to push back on the neo-liberals over the past 40 years has lead to this. The neo-libs are now so in control that they can openly push their oligarch agenda, disdain of democracy and rule of law.

The system needs to change democracy underpins societal growth - education & scientific advancement.

Dictatorships lead to stagnation, oppression & decline..
It’s not cowardice to be a centrist, it’s balanced
No it's not. The balance is found as the average between all leading parties over time. If only right wing and centrists ever get to govern then the balance is centre-right (as we have in the UK and they have in the US). Choosing to be a centrist is not choosing balance, it is choosing permanent imbalance. Centrism needs left vs right to succeed.
Would these (20% of) 18- 45 year olds accept that their parent should run their lives for them? Seems reasonable.
It's stasis. Pretending to do something while actually doing nothing and giving the green-light to the extremists to get ever more extreme.
I don’t agree that it’s stasis either. Centrism is purely about avoiding the edges of ideology (the opposite of your claim to give green light to others such as right wingers), it’s less revolution and more evolution, but evolution is still the opposite of stasis
No it's not. The balance is found as the average between all leading parties over time. If only right wing and centrists ever get to govern then the balance is centre-right (as we have in the UK and they have in the US). Choosing to be a centrist is not choosing balance, it is choosing permanent imbalance. Centrism needs left vs right to succeed.
You are talking on outcomes not beliefs, different thing
Bit of an odd poll of 2200 people almost presented as if it is the result of a referendum.

Maybe funded somewhere by Musk?

The overriding conclusion is that 4 in 5 do not want an unelected leader.

That’s 80% in old money.

I wouldn’t lose any sleep, our head of state is already not selected by an election.

I’d love to see Musk try and tamper with the royal family, his head would be off before he knew it.
Stems from the home and upbringing in a lot of cases, it also shows, barring a odd site or paper the total control of the media by the right wing, which has now marched on with the help of the free press(ffs) and are now at doorstep of ultra far fascist right.
With the level of manipulation it isn't surprising that these pot less people are behaving much like they did in1920s Italy.

I think this bloke who shot the CEO may have began the backlash and perhaps it will come to ahead at both sides of the Atlantic in the not too distant future imho.

You can see how Musk is seeing it as an opportunity of destroying Democracy here and in the USA, he never forgave the left for its stance on apartheid, once again it is imho.

I cant see a point in going to far left but I do agree in the social aspects in our society.

I look and see right wing voters, especially the poorer ones (two months from disaster) in normal suburbia, who for some reason find voting against all the advantages to make their own communities - better, richer, more educated and produce a better skill for the many a terrible idea. Why ?

TBH and from my point of view, Govt and the general population would take the pennies off a Deadman's eyes given the chance, there is few who you can trust.

It seems to me you had to beat these ba$tardos at their own game to stay out of their clutches, it didnt mean you had to like them or bother with them - as I say this is in my experience as well as opinion.

This finding doesn't surprise me, perhaps 1 in 5 isn't to bad atm.