A well defined republic would deliver a fairer system. You are showing intellectual dishonesty by picking one’s that have the biggest problems instead of ones that don’t.
You keep bowing and scraping mate, I have more personal dignity than that.
Bowing and scraping
I don’t do any of that and wouldn’t, it isn’t a legal requirement. I’d happily shake hands though. If you ever had to appear in Court, would you rise for the judge or just stay sat and tell him you are his intellectual equal and he can do one?
I chose them countries because they are all powerful, wealthy republics with a variation of how they operate. You argue for a utopian system. If it was truly achievable and delivered, what happens when the superpowers become unhappy with us, our truly fair system, do you think they would be happy to let their people see a just and fair system with wealth, health and happiness for all, I’d think they would look to shut us down one way or another.
Power corrupts and always will, it really does not matter what system is in place, corruption will exist. The Tories have been elected fairly by the voters, Thatcher, Major, Cameron, May, Johnson all elected by the British people. Crikey loads on here even slag, Blair and put down a potential one in Starmer and you want to trust power to a single person elected by the people who voted in your hated brexit (mine too actually)?
A republic will never deliver your vision, as lovely as it sounds, because there will always be opposition to whoever is elected telling us things can be different, better, fairer, but the truth is it isn’t ever delivered as promised and never will be by anyone, President, PM or Monarch, there will always be rich and poor, leaders and followers, those that go with the flow, those that carry the burden of opposition, there isn’t a system in the world that delivers for all its people.