NHS Dentistry as we know it ‘gone for good’

Privatised by stealth and no one really batted an eyelid. I don't doubt for a second tories will be looking to take a similar approach to the rest of it (GPs next?).

If our apathetic electorate give them a chance.
It's scary how access to an NHS dentist has been removed without much of a grumble at all.

Is it because people hate going? Apart from the odd story about someone yanking their teeth out with some rusty pliers there isn't much media coverage of it?

After optometrists and dentists then GPs would seem the obvious next thing to privatise. I believe they are already self employed rather than being directly employed by the NHS?

Anyway, all the information is available. If the dumb ***** of this country choose to vote tory again then i give up.

Will the chance to stop a brown person from potentially entering the country be more important to voters than access to healthcare? I am concerned about the answer we might be given.
It's scary how access to an NHS dentist has been removed without much of a grumble at all.

Is it because people hate going? Apart from the odd story about someone yanking their teeth out with some rusty pliers there isn't much media coverage of it?

After optometrists and dentists then GPs would seem the obvious next thing to privatise. I believe they are already self employed rather than being directly employed by the NHS?

Anyway, all the information is available. If the dumb ***** of this country choose to vote tory again then i give up.

Will the chance to stop a brown person from potentially entering the country be more important to voters than access to healthcare? I am concerned about the answer we might be given.
Can't get a dentist or see a GP because all the brown people are using them though innit? 🙄🤦

Yeah a lot of GPs (not all) are absolutely coining it in. Pretty sure the idea of charging for appointments has already been floated by some tories hasn't it?
It's scary how access to an NHS dentist has been removed without much of a grumble at all.

Is it because people hate going? Apart from the odd story about someone yanking their teeth out with some rusty pliers there isn't much media coverage of it?

After optometrists and dentists then GPs would seem the obvious next thing to privatise. I believe they are already self employed rather than being directly employed by the NHS?

Anyway, all the information is available. If the dumb ***** of this country choose to vote tory again then i give up.

Will the chance to stop a brown person from potentially entering the country be more important to voters than access to healthcare? I am concerned about the answer we might be given.
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It's impossible to get a dentist. Ours just wrote to us to say, not doing adults any more. Pay us £15 a month an you can stay registered. Shocking. No others in York taking patients on.
It's scary how access to an NHS dentist has been removed without much of a grumble at all.

Is it because people hate going? Apart from the odd story about someone yanking their teeth out with some rusty pliers there isn't much media coverage of it?

After optometrists and dentists then GPs would seem the obvious next thing to privatise. I believe they are already self employed rather than being directly employed by the NHS?

Anyway, all the information is available. If the dumb ***** of this country choose to vote tory again then i give up.

Will the chance to stop a brown person from potentially entering the country be more important to voters than access to healthcare? I am concerned about the answer we might be given.
GPs are already private. They always were. They were independent contractors when the NHS was formed.

The major difference at the moment is that the GPs are commissioned by the NHS and they get their money from the NHS, not the patient. There are obviously private practices seeing people outside the NHS for a fee and no doubt the Tories (and Labour probably) will sell people paying privately to see a GP sooner as a way to free up NHS capacity but it will be the same as the Dentists. Initially it might help but then GPs will realise they can see more patients privately* and make more money and the cost of seeing an NHS patient will go up until there are no NHS options left and it's all private.

*This happens with Drs doing private work. At our Trust we have Drs that will see 3 patients on a 4 hour list during the week but give them a weekend slot where they are paid per case instead of per session and they will see 6.
Our NHS dentist has informed us, by letter, that the surgery is going private from February 24. The charges are eye watering for an amalgam filling, root canal work is £700, and a cap is almost £1,000.
I believe all private dentists however must treat under 18s on the NHS, which suits the surgery, as the clinicians are then eligible for an NHS pension.

I've had toothache since early November, saw my dentist (thankfully still NHS) he said it was going to be a difficult extraction said he could try but if he failed then I would have to be referred down the NHS private route (doesn't cost anymore) and I would suffer the consequences till I could be seen or refer me straight away and suffer with the toothache. I said I'd rather deal with what's going on now pain wise than possible something worse. He said I should be seen in around 2 weeks.
They referred me to Bupa Darlo, I heard nothing for 3 weeks so phoned Bupa Darlo and they said their dental surgeon only does 2 days a month!!!, he comes over from the Isle of man for 2 days then goes back and she said he doesn't come in December because of the holidays!!!!
So its now around 6 weeks that I've been suffering with it and I truly believe this is an insight as to how the full NHS would be if it where allowed to be privatised even more and lets face it I could be waiting till the end of January
I've got a mate in his 40s who just pulls out his own teeth when he gets really bad toothache.. dun't even think there'll be anything left to stick turkey teeth to!
MY dentist closed the branch 'BUPA' moved to the next town and left all it's nhs patients with no alternative but to go private .
We've had a nightmare trying to get registered with a dentist. My wife is covered by Denplan because she has specialist needs. My daughter has been covered by NHS since birth and we decided to get her registered sharpish. I cannot get registered for love nor money with an NHS dentist, but they'll roll out the red carpet if I am private. The governments are totally to blame for this shambles. The fact dentists take on private patients means its totally about money and funding cuts have caused this. They are 100% culpable and whatever bull**** they publish and soundbites, it is on them. **** them all.
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Plenty of angry ppl but our elected reps aren't interested. The same thing is happening to the rest of the NHS, it'll be 100% private within a generation
I'm really not sure what you can do to stop Dentists going private. Unless of course you make it some sort of a legal obligation that they have to fill a certain quota of NHS patients if they want to 'practice' here. They could of course train more dentists under the NHS under long term contracts, best of luck with that.
I'm really not sure what you can do to stop Dentists going private. Unless of course you make it some sort of a legal obligation that they have to fill a certain quota of NHS patients if they want to 'practice' here. They could of course train more dentists under the NHS under long term contracts, best of luck with that.
The current system is to train them in the NHS and then once they are qualified they go private so we aren't getting the benefit from training them. The government could incentivise/disincentivise NHS/Private work in the way they pay for NHS treatment, access to NHS pensions and benefits, cost of private licence or increasing the tax on private work, repayment of training costs if not doing NHS work etc.

The current system clearly isn't working.