He's made 2 really bad but simple errors - the lad......that I can see.....and given the amount of stuff he got right when planning something like this (all the really difficult stuff !!! ID, Gun with a silencer, coolness in executing his gun, coolness running away ; onto a bike etc etc...)- you'd expect he would be able to not make these simple mistakes.
1, at the hostel he stayed - showing his face after the desk lady asked him to remove his face covering - surely he has to wear a covid mask - and state - I have covid, i'm not removing my mask for everyone's safety...whilst faking a cough...
2, showing his face in the coffee place and smiling...even bigger error - he should've had that covid mask on everywhere...
(its incredible how much we are on CCTV these days)
3rd and obviously a smaller error but - what's he doing in Maccie Ds ; he should've been lying low for weeks and maybe months so those CCTV mages drift away from peoples minds....
Luigi - WTF pal ?